The Shiba Gallery Plugin allows you to display a variety of javascript galleries within your WordPress blog. All you need to do is specify the type of gallery you want in your regular WordPress gallery shortcode.
The Shiba Gallery is very flexible and can render post, page, and gallery objects, in addition to image attachments. This article describes some of the cool things that you can achieve with the Shiba Gallery.
Shiba and Siberian rendered using TinySlideshow2.
[gallery id="10" type="tiny2" size="large" frame="white" tsize="none" autoplay="1"]
December 25th, 2015 – Shiba Gallery 4.4.5
- Fixed lightbox to work with duplicate thumbnail images.
- Tested for WP 4.4.
This is a very big update, so definitely test first before deploying.
Javascript Galleries Supported
Currently, the Shiba WordPress Gallery Plugin includes the following gorgeous Javascript libraries –
TinySlideshow by Michael Leigeber.
Example TinySlideshow Gallery
Tiny Slideshow is a very slick looking inline gallery that allows users to scroll through the images, or enjoy them in an automatic slideshow mode.
[gallery id=10 type="tiny" caption="title" size="(600, 400)" crop="1" responsive="aspect"]
NoobSlide from
There is one word to describe the NoobSlide Gallery – Awesome!
If I had two words, I would say Simply Awesome!
With NoobSlide you can easily combine together various gallery type components to create a range of compelling gallery styles.
For example, to the right I have created a NoobSlide version of Galleria. At the bottom I have created a NoobSlide version of SlideViewer.
[gallery id=10 type="noobslide_galleria"]
[gallery id=10 type="noobslide_slideviewer" responsive="aspect"]
Lightbox by Lokesh Dhakar.
Original lightbox gallery. It uses jquery and sizes properly based on browser window.
[gallery id=8162 type=lightbox size="thumbnail" caption="none"]
Slimbox by Christophe Beyls.
Slimbox is an efficient version of Lightbox that is solely based on jQuery. Slimbox will now be used in place of Lytebox.
[gallery id=8162 type=slimbox size="thumbnail" caption="none"]
Lytebox by Markus F. Hay.
Lytebox is not as efficient as Slimbox but it will resize images that are larger than the browser screen.
[gallery id=8162 type=lytebox size="(120,120)" caption="none"]
Popeye 2.0 Gallery by Christoph Schüßler.
Example Popeye Gallery.
Popeye is an awesome inline gallery that allows you to expand images in-place. It also has some very well styled frames which we have also included in the Shiba Gallery Plugin.
[gallery id=10 type=popeye]
Galleria by Aino.
Example Galleria View.
Galleria is a very professional looking image gallery. It is also fast, simple, and easy to use. The classic version shown here is very similar to Tiny Slideshow in terms of functionality. However, there are a variety of other themes that can be bought at the Galleria site that offers many alternative functions and views.
[gallery id=10 type="galleria"]
Navigation List by ShibaShake
A simple list of posts or pages including their thumbnails, associated links, and a short summary. A good way to create a navigation page or navigation widget.
[gallery type="navlist" recent="1" numberposts="5" caption="description" ]
Example Navigation List.
WordPress Native Gallery
The WordPress native gallery is also supported. Just specify the type as native.
[gallery id=10 type=native size="thumbnail" responsive="aspect"]
Example WordPress Native Gallery.
Expanded WordPress Native Gallery
The previous expanded WordPress Native Gallery has been replaced with the NoobSlide NativeX gallery. It contains thumbnails just as before, but also has a nice preview image and description panel. This gallery is most useful when displaying post, page, or gallery objects.
Just specify the type as noobslide_nativex.
[gallery id=1688 type="noobslide_nativex" size="medium"]
Example NoobSlide NativeX Gallery.
Custom Image Size
You can specify the image size that you want using the standard WordPress gallery shortcode tags – full, large, medium, thumbnail. These sizes are set under Settings >> Media.
Alternatively, you can also specify your own custom size.
[gallery id="1969" type="galleria" size="(300,225)"]
Shiba and Siberian rendered using Galleria.
Shiba and Siberian rendered using Galleria.
Shiba Gallery Plugin Expanded Short-Codes
- category – List of comma separated category ids to include in the gallery.
[gallery category="109" type="nativex"]
[gallery tag="tag-a,tag-b,tag-c"]
[gallery tag_and="tag-a,tag-b,tag-c"]
[gallery recent="1"]
[gallery category="10" numberposts="15"]
[gallery category="10" numberposts="5" page="2"]
[gallery category="109" type="nativex" numberposts="15" post_type="post"]
[gallery category="109" responsive="aspect" type="tiny"]
[gallery category="109" tsize="(54,54)" type="tiny"]
[gallery category="10" frame="green"]
[gallery category="10" link="none"]
[gallery category="10" caption="description"]
[gallery category="109" cpos="bottom"]
[gallery category="109" clen="500"]
[gallery category="109" crop="1"]
[gallery category="109" active="1"]
[gallery category="109" autoplay="1"]
Note –
Only one of include, category, tag, recent, or id will be used. Include will be checked first, followed by category, followed by tag, and then recent. If none of these are set, id will be used.
Shiba Gallery Default Options
You can specify a default gallery type by going to Media >> Shiba Gallery.

From this screen you may also set the default thumbnail picture, default frame, and default captions. There is also a check box in the Default Frame section that specifies whether this default frame should also be applied to images in your blog.
The default gallery image will be used for posts and galleries that have no thumbnails assigned to them. If you do not have a default image, the plugin will just display an empty black image.
Show Shiba Galleries in Your Widget Areas
To show shiba galleries in your widget areas, simply enable gallery shortcodes for text widgets.
// Add to the init function of your functions.php file |
add_filter( 'widget_text' , 'do_shortcode' ); |
Call Shiba Gallery Directly from PHP
If we want to call Shiba Gallery directly from PHP rather than use the WordPress gallery shortcode, we may do the following –
global $shiba_gallery ; |
echo $shiba_gallery ->parse_gallery_shortcode( "" , array ( 'id' => "10" )); |
Shiba Gallery Plugin Updates
Shiba Gallery 4.4
May 3rd, 2014
- Updated plugin paths.
- Added clen as a gallery shortcode attribute for controlling caption length on a gallery by gallery basis.
- Fixed a bunch of gallery CSS styles.
- Remove device check for slimbox javascript.
- Noobslide now using mootools 1.4.5.
- Updated for WordPress 3.9.
- Tested on Chrome, Safari, IE 11.
Shiba Gallery 4.3.3
Sept 23rd, 2013
- Added lightbox 2 gallery by Lokesh Dhakar.
- Fixed sizing bug that occurs when server responsive option is turned off. Thanks to Susan for reporting this.
- Assign better option default values based on gallery type.
Shiba Gallery 4.3
Sept 18th, 2013
- Shiba Gallery is now both client and server responsive. Server responsiveness allows the server to send the right sized images based on device width. Client responsiveness allows image size to change based on browser width.
[More on mobile responsive galleries and images] - Gallery images and links can now be tied to slimbox or lytebox.
- Added new gallery shortcode attributes – crop, active, and cpos.
- Create a slimbox gallery based on captioned images within a post.
- Updated Shiba Gallery settings page.
- Updated for WordPress 3.6.
- Cleaned up styles and fixed a bunch of bugs.
Shiba Gallery 4.0
Jan 12th, 2013
- Galleries and captioned images are now mobile responsive! The plugin uses device width to determine gallery and image sizes.
To turn on the mobile responsive feature, go to Media >> Shiba Gallery, scroll down to the bottom, and click on the “Enable responsive galleries and images” checkbox.
[More on mobile responsive galleries and images and what is used in this plugin]
- Updated for WordPress 3.5.
- Updated Tinyslideshow to version 2. The old version is still available by using type=”tiny1″
- Fixed noobslide fast clicks causing thumbnails and images to get out of sync.
- Collect galleria styles into the main css file.
- Options page is now encapsulated in a class wrapper and also uses the 3.5 new media manager.
- Removed Pslides. There are customization limitations, and the plugin already contains several thumbnail galleries including tiny1, tiny2, galleria, and noobslide.
- A whole bunch of other fixes.
Shiba Gallery 3.7.2
Aug 7th, 2012
- Updated for WordPress 3.4. Fixed default image pop-up menu.
- Updated Shiba Gallery options page with more standardized permissions check.
Shiba Gallery 3.7
May 7th, 2012
- Control thumbnail size. Specify thumbnail size using the tsize parameter. Works with Tiny Slideshow, Picture Slides, and Noobslide.
- Galleria. A new version of Galleria has been added back to the plugin.
- Navigation List. Useful for displaying a set of related posts or pages together with thumbnails, links, and article summaries.
- Default value filter. Hook into the shiba_gallery_defaults filter to alter gallery default values.
- IE8 and IE7 compability. Fixed several IE8 and IE7 compatibility issues. All galleries should now work on these browsers.
Shiba Gallery 3.5
February 15th, 2011
- Gallery links. You now have the option to set your gallery links to file, attachment, or none.
- Expanded WordPress captions. The standard WordPress caption shortcode has been expanded to deal with images and galleries.
- Lytebox. The Lytebox gallery has been added back to the plugin because it resizes large images according to the browser screen whereas Slimbox does not.
- Apostrophe in Titles. Galleries should function properly even if images have the apostrophe symbol in their titles.
Shiba Gallery 3.3
December 2nd, 2010
This is a big release with many new features.
- Gallery frames. You may now assign a variety of styled frames to your WordPress galleries and images.
- Gallery captions. You may now turn gallery captions on and off, as well as show image titles and descriptions.
- Gallery paging. The page attribute is now supported in the gallery shortcode. You may easily enable gallery paging by setting numberposts and page in your gallery shortcode.
- Gallery default options. There is now a gallery options page under Media >> Shiba Gallery. This screen allows you to set default frames, gallery types, captions, and thumbnail.
- New galleries. Some exciting new galleries have been added including Popeye 2.0, Picture Slides, and Slimbox.
- Gallery javascripts are now loaded at the end of the page and only as needed. If no galleries are used, then no gallery javascripts will be loaded. This will help improve page efficiency.
Shiba Gallery Plugin 3.1
April 6th, 2010
- Plugin has been modularized and all functions are encapsulated within wrapper classes.
- I have also integrated Shiba Gallery with the awesome YARPP plugin for showing related articles. By simply using the related tag in your gallery shortcode you may view YARPP results using any of the javascript galleries within the Shiba plugin.
Shiba Gallery Plugin 3.0
- The Shiba Gallery Plugin has been significantly enhanced in this release with the inclusion of NoobSlide; one of the most versatile, compelling, and well-constructed Javascript galleries I have come across.
- With NoobSlide, I was able to construct galleries that are similar in style to the previous Galleria, SlideViewer, and NativeX gallery types. Execution of galleries are now a lot faster, smoother, efficient, and clean.
- I have replaced –
- Galleria – with noobslide_galleria.
- Slide Viewer – with noobslide_slideviewer.
- Nativex – with noobslide_nativex.
- Smooth Gallery – with TinySlideshow.
- There is no longer any need for iframes, or background-image resizing operations. This makes the plugin faster, cleaner, and more secure.
Shiba Gallery 2.7.3
February 15th, 2010
- There is a Fatal error bug in the Shiba Gallery 2.7 release. This is due to a missing function in the plugin. I have fixed it in the latest patch 2.7.3. Please download this important patch.
- Many thanks to Jacob for detecting and reporting it so quickly.
Shiba Gallery Plugin 2.7
- You can now render post, page, and gallery objects using any of the gallery types. Some new gallery short-code options have been added to facilitate this new capability.
- We also expanded the WordPress native gallery and added it as a new gallery type (type=”nativex”).
Shiba Gallery Plugin 2.5
- Added the Slide Viewer javascript gallery by Gian Carlo Mingati.
- Added the ability to specify custom sizes for galleries.
Shiba Gallery Plugin 2.0
- Galleria now works on Google Chrome. It is Schweet!
Shiba Gallery Plugin 1.0
- Detailed description of the Shiba Gallery Plugin with examples.
Future Additions
If you are particularly impressed with a Javascript gallery, please let me know and I will look into including it within the Shiba Gallery Plugin.
Please let me know if you encounter any bugs or compatibility issues. This will help me to improve the plugin and update the compatibility list above.
Thanks to all the Javascript library authors for sharing their very awesome gallery scripts with us!
Hi. Does anyone have PHP sample code showing how to page through results, say 10 at a time? I have a gallery that returns too many, so I capped it at 16 but can’t access the additional ones easily.
Any advice?
… by the way, do know the page=”2″ parameter, but the question is how to know if there are further results to continue paging or even how to keep the marker.
The simplest way is probably to do an SQL count using the WordPress wpdb object.
I need the noobslide gallery , but without the sliding effect. What do I have to change on that piece of code on shiba-noobslide.php?
fxOptions: {
duration: 1000,
transition: “.$shiba_gallery->TRANSITION.”,
wait: false
An easy solution is to just set the duration to 0.
If you want to delve more deeply into it –
hi there,
could you please direct me to the place that I can remove an empty image, which shows up at the end of the gallery? I have no idea where it came from, because I use your plugin on every site I build and it’s never happened. I managed to remove the link to the image itself, but caption remained and it looked awful. Strange thing…
Here’s the link:
many thanks for a great plugin 🙂
Hmmm, I didn’t see a gallery when I visited the link. My guess is that the image was deleted, but somehow the attachment object is still hanging around. You want to make sure to delete the attachment object in the Media Library menu.
How do you suggest re-ordering images? Not quite sure how to go about it, or maintain it over time.
You can reorder by various image attributes through the orderby and order arguments in the gallery shortcode –
WordPress native also supports custom ordering for attached images.
Hi. I use both Shiba Media Library and Shiba Gallery (I cannot thank you enoigh for these plugins!) on WP 3.0.5 but would like to upgrade to 3.1.1 to use drill-down taxonomies. Are your plugins compatible with 3.1.1?
They should be. This site is currently running 3.1.1. However, as always, I would test them out on a test site first.
Thanks! I will test. Fingers crossed.
First off I must say – GREAT WORK!! WordPress needed a plugin like this, and I love that you have left it open ended so that people might include their own work into your plugin!
I am relatively new at javascript and writing my own plugins, but not all that new at wordpress in general (i create themes from scratch often).
I have two questions.. the first is, in your instructions you say you build your html layout.. How? I can build a layout no problem, but what variables and with what syntax do you write them in? DO you have a basic example somewhere?
Second.. I would LOVE to see a basic tutorial on how to implement your own javascript or jquery plugin this way the choices for styles are endless because people who create their own can then put them up as a supplement to your plugin/
My goal is to use your plugin to try and create a horizontal scrolling gallery like this one (this one is built in flash but I know it can be done in JS):
Any thoughts?? If I can just get my hands in there and read a few more things about how your plugin works I can start pumping out a bunch of different styles for you. I am a designer more-so than a coder, so I can make things pretty.. the coding part i am still learning about.
Hello Lindsay,
You can create your own layout using noobslide because it is built on top of mootools and is very flexible. Here is a tutorial on how to create your own noobslide gallery within the Shiba plugin –
Do you mean you want to create your own gallery plugin? or do you want to integrate a new javascript gallery into the Shiba plugin?
To create your own gallery plugin –
To extend the Shiba Gallery plugin –
In terms of the horizontal scrolling gallery, there are several possibilities –
1. See if it is already implemented in javascript. There are lots and lots of javascript galleries out there, so chances are, it has already been implemented.
2. Modify Noobslide to achieve a similar look.
3. Find an existing open javascript gallery that looks similar and modify that.
Thank you very much for your quick and thorough response.
I was HOPING to actually extend the Shiba gallery if that happens to be at all possible. There are definitely existing galleries out there that ALMOST do what I want them to do. I suppose I could take a gallery that does almost what I want it to do, tweak it a little, and then upload it.
I am going to look through the link on that comment you linked me to. I swear I read all of the comments, but apparently I didnt.. sorry for asking a question that’s already been asked – i try NOT to be that person.
No problems. I should post something on extending the Shiba Gallery in the main article page and/or write a full tutorial on it. Wish I had more time.
Let me know if you have more questions. I try to answer a few while puppy is sleeping. 😀
Also if you have styling/design suggestions on the existing galleries, please let me know.
Congrats on the new puppy ( love puppies). If i get this plugin extended I would be happy to document how and send it to you to post if I get to writing it before you do.
As far as styling suggestions – I have quite a few minor CSS changes for some of the sliders (specifically the ones that have content in them as well as images). I can work out some alternative style sheets for them if you would like.
Design is my strong suit, which is why I get stuck on the more difficult coding (i can hack together a WP template quickly though)
Ok.. so I have spent MOST of tonight first trying to make my own using my own javascript, then trying to just follow your instructions for customizing a noobslide gallery and neither are working. Unfortunately I can not follow your instructions – they are very VERY confusing.
It seems that I was able to get the shortcode to read and accept the “tobi” type but it was always defaulting to showing it with the play/pause buttons and number the numbers like the code should have told it to display.
I even trying sticking some plain text somewhere within the closeSTR to see if it would atleast echo that, but nothing.. I think its because in your instructions you say to copy this and then rename everything… but where do you put it? You have a bunch of case statements but your new type isn’t a switch – its a new function..
Hello Lindsay,
It may be easiest to first experiment with noobslide by itself. You can download it here –
Once you get what you want, then I can help you to integrate it into the plugin.
Hey 🙂
just found your plugin on another site I visited. I have not know it before so we did not consider it in our slideshow reviews series.
If you are interested you could publish a review about your plugin on my site. Here the link to the other wp gallery plugins.
Looking forward to hear from you
I’m having trouble seeing galleries in IE8 using slimbox. If I fall back to lytebox, I can see the gallery, however it appears that the js / css is not fully loading.
My dev site is
Works with slimbox and lytebox in all other browsers.
Thanks for any help or direction.
Hmmm, that is strange. Slimbox works for me on IE8. Can you view the slimbox gallery on this page using IE8?
What do you get when you use slimbox on your site? Does the popup not come up?
How do I change the authorship of the gallery pages once made? I’ve made everything under an admin role account and it needs to shift to the author but that edit function doesn’t seem to be enabled.
I will add this in the next release. In the meantime, look in shiba-mlib-permalink.php line 55.
‘supports’ => array(‘title’,’thumbnail’,’comments’)
add ‘author’ to the list so that it looks like this
‘supports’ => array(‘title’,’thumbnail’,’comments’, ‘author’)
Many thanks, I’ll happily workaround.
I am love your plugins! I am trying Shiba Gallery on a client site and I I don’t know what I did, but now my slideshow doesn’t “slide” on the home page sidebar. They slide when they are on a page sidebar but not the home one.
Can you help me figure this out?
It may be easiest to first simplify things by turning off all plugins and just leaving Shiba Gallery. Does the problem still persist? If not, then try turning on the other plugins one by one and this will narrow down which plugin is conflicting with the gallery.
Otherwise, it could be a theme issue so try switching to 2010 and see if the problem persists.
Thanks. I turned off all plugins, problem persisted.
I changed from the gallery choice to Tiny and it worked. So not sure what happened exactly but glad it is working. I really do appreciate your plugins. It is so fun to see how much YOU use them and believe in them. Makes me want to use them too.
Thanks for the quick response, as well. I don’t know how you find time to do everything!
Glad it worked out Mindy. My guess is that there is some conflict with noobslide – which is the default gallery.
Haha, actually I am pretty busy with my new puppy so I won’t have time to do any programming until puppy grows up some. 😀