The purpose of the Shiba Media Library Plugin is to facilitate the manipulation and grouping of images within the existing WordPress image library framework.
[Most recent Shiba Media Library updates]
December, 2015
Tested on WordPress 4.4. No changes needed.September 13th 2015 – Release 3.9.1
- Updated thumbnails column for WordPress 4.3.
- Tested on WordPress 4.3.
When creating permalink structures, care must to taken to ensure that the new structure does not override existing post, page, category, and tag permalinks.
Key Features of the Shiba Media Library Plugin
- Enables image tagging and allows you to group images into galleries by using their tags. Images can also to added manually using the regular media manager interface.
- In addition to images/attachments, galleries may also contain posts and other galleries. In this way, you group not only images, but also posts, galleries, and any combination of these object types. Here are some fun things you can achieve with expanded galleries.
- Easily search for posts, pages, galleries, and more in the expanded media manager interface, and include them directly into a gallery. The days of painfully hunting for IDs are over!
- Freely order images, posts, and pages within a gallery.
- Gallery objects get saved into your WordPress export files. This allows you to keep a backup of your gallery objects, as well as move them from blog to blog.
- Expanded media manager image search that allows you to find images based on title and alt text.
- Expanded search that allows you to find attachments and galleries based on titles, tags, and categories.
- Show the number of posts an image containing an image in the Media >> Library screen.
- View most-used tags for post, attachment, and gallery objects.
- Quick Edit image attachments.
- Adds a new drop-down menu to your existing WordPress Media Library. This menu will allow you to do bulk attachments to both attached and non-attached images.
- Detach a set of images from their post so that they revert back to their unattached state.

The Power of Galleries and Tags
Gallery objects are stored in the regular WordPress post database. In this way, you get to leverage almost all existing functions that are available for WordPress post objects including displaying your galleries using the WordPress gallery shortcode.
Galleries created with the Shiba Media Library Plugin should also work with other plugins that support the WordPress gallery shortcode.
Example gallery that is rendered using the Shiba Gallery Plugin
This entire plugin operates within the current WordPress Media Library framework so any tag changes will automatically be reflected in your WordPress gallery shortcode results.
If you want to extract images with particular tags using PHP, just include the tags in your WordPress get_posts command.
$args = array( 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'tag' => 'tag-a,tag-b,tag-c' ); $attachments = get_posts( $args );
Why Can’t I Use Tags in the Gallery Shortcode?
The Shiba Media Library addresses the media library back-end and sets up tag links in the WordPress database. I.e., there is a link in the database saying that a particular image is linked to a given tag.
For tags to work in the gallery shortcode, it must also be supported on the gallery front-end – i.e., by the plugin that renders your images. The Shiba Gallery plugin, for example, supports image tags.
However, most gallery rendering plugins do not yet support this extension because it is currently not part of the native WordPress gallery shortcode and is therefore not a standard.
Shiba Media Library Updates
Shiba Media Library 3.9
May 2nd 2015
- Updated image search function (in the Media Manager interface) so that it works for attachment titles, alt text, as well as captions.
- Tested plugin on WordPress 4.2.
Shiba Media Library 3.8.2
September 17th 2014
- Updated the Add-Media templates and interface so that images can be properly selected and inserted.
- Updated the media table in the Edit Gallery screen so that it renders properly in WP 4.0.
- Updated some deprecated functions.
- Tested plugin on WordPress 4.0.
Shiba Media Library 3.8
April 22nd 2014
- Updated plugin directory and url paths to use standard functions instead of constants.
- Updated the Galleries >> Options screen to use the new wordpress update settings system (add_settings_error).
- Fixed a bug in the Media screen that occurs when expanded bulk operations are applied to an empty image set.
- Tested plugin on WordPress 3.9.
Shiba Media Library 3.7.2
Dec 24th 2013
- Fixed some warning messages and make sure post images show up when editing a gallery.
Shiba Media Library 3.7
Sept 26th 2013
- Posts, pages, and supporting custom post types can now be included in galleries from within the media manager interface.
- Expanded search for images to include title as well as alt text.
- Show number of posts that an image is included in (i.e. included in post content). Gallery images are not counted.
- New options page. You may now enable or disable the image quick edit, number of posts, and expanded media manager search functionalities.
- Fixed URL too long bug.
Shiba Media Library 3.6
Jan 7th 2013
- Updated for 3.5.
- Plugin gallery objects now use the id list system introduced in WordPress 3.5. Use the new media manager interface to upload and attach images to gallery objects.
- Fixed quick edit functions.
- Updated deprecated media functions.
- Encapsulated the plugin options page within an object class.
- Fixed gallery and attachment tag links in tag-metabox.
- Added an attachment_link filter so that %category% gallery-permalinks translate properly.
- Properly redirect bulk operations and delete permanently operation in the Edit Gallery screen.
Shiba Media Library 3.4
August 20th 2012
- Updated for WordPress 3.4.
- Added Quick Edit functionality to images. Quick Edit capability is accessible in the Media Library and Edit Gallery screens.
- Image ordering will now be saved in both draft and published modes.
- Updated old javascript functions to use jQuery.
Shiba Media Library 3.3
August 31st 2011
- Added ability to order images within Gallery objects.
- By going into Galleries >> Options, you may now change the gallery shortcode used for viewing a Gallery object.
- Gallery objects now have Shiba Widgets support.
- The “Insert into Post” button should now appear on custom post types.
- Removed image parallelization option. As outlined in Google Page Speed, new browsers now allow more than two concurrent connections per hostname. As such, the image parallelization option is no longer needed.
Shiba Media Library 3.2
February 16th, 2011
- Updated for WordPress 3.1, RC4. Tested on WP 3.0 and WP 3.1,RC4.
- Fixed bulk trash operation on Gallery screen.
- Permalinks now work properly on network activation and deactivation in WordPress Multisite.
- Columns from other plugins are now properly added in the Media Library screen.
Shiba Media Library 3.1
January 17th, 2011
- Updated for WordPress 3.1. Tested in WP 3.0 and WP 3.1,RC2.
- Fixed numerous bugs in the gallery query system. Gallery types should now work properly.
- Cleaned up the plugin so that gallery objects are now always custom post types. As a result the plugin requires WP 3.0 and above. If you are using WP 2.9, then please download Shiba Media Library 3.0.
Shiba Media Library 3.0.3
November 25th, 2010
- Fixed bulk operations in the Google Chrome browser. Shiba Media Library now has its own menu in the media screen.
- Cleaned up the gallery tagging system so that tagged gallery images can now be properly ordered with order, orderby, numberposts, and offset arguments. This makes it much easier to enable gallery paging.
Shiba Media Library 3.0
August 13th 2010
- Added ability to append image tags in bulk as requested by Peder.
- Re-enabled Insert into Post button even for images that are already attached.
Shiba Media Library 2.9
- Shiba Media Library is now updated for WordPress 3.0. It should work in 3.0 and 2.9+.
- All your previous gallery objects should still work seamlessly in the new update.
- Expanded image attachment and detachment functions are now better integrated into the standard WordPress Media Library interface.
- You may set your gallery permalink structure by going into Settings >> Permalinks
- Fixed PHP notices. Thanks to Writemcodeboy for alerting me to this issue.
Media Library Plugin 2.7
- Added in the ability to parallelize your image links. This enables more images to be downloaded simultaneously, and improves page speed.
- Also fixed some bugs associated with the permalink creation function. In particular, I refined the regular expression for gallery attachment images and added more rules for validating the gallery permalink structure.
Media Library Plugin 2.6
- As requested by Keoshi, I have added in the ability to edit your entire gallery permalink structure.
Media Library Plugin 2.5
- I just finished making some large changes to the permalink redirect code. If you are having permalink redirect issues, in particular with your feeds, then please download the latest version.
Media Library Plugin 2.4
- Added most-used attachment and gallery tag views.
- Permalink support and customization for gallery objects.
- Expanded media and gallery search.
- Plugin is cleaner and more secure.
Thanks to A.M. for making many of the great suggestions that went into this plugin update.
Media Library Plugin 2.3
- Expanded gallery objects so that they may contain posts, pages, and other gallery objects; in addition to image attachments.
- You may now assign thumbnails to galleries. This uses the Post Thumbnail system introduced in WordPress 2.9, so you will need at least version 2.9 and a gallery front-end that knows how to render posts to fully realize the power of this feature.
- You can now navigate to gallery objects, just like you do with attachments. Gallery object pages are rendered using the gallery shortcode.
** Thanks to Keoshi for making many of the great suggestions that went into this plugin update.
Media Library Plugin 2.2
- Fixed a bug in Release 2.1 where Trash links for posts and pages no longer work properly. This is an important bug fix so please download the latest version of the plugin.
Media Library Plugin 2.1
- Added bulk-actions, search, and date filter to the Manage Gallery screen. Now you can perform the same menu view operations on galleries as you can with posts and pages.
- Integrated the Manage Gallery menu with the WordPress Trash system. Now you can move galleries to the trash, untrash, or delete them permanently.
- Fixed various bugs with gallery links, trash links, as well as image tags. The gallery and tag system should now work a lot more smoothly.
Media Library Plugin 2.0
- Allows you to tag your images. Through tagging, you can include the same image into multiple galleries.
Media Library Plugin 1.0
- Allows you to re-attach multiple images to any post from the Media Library panel.
- Enables bulk image detachments.
- Works on WordPress 2.8
Hi, i have a question or feature request.
Is it possible to select an operator for the gallery tags?
for more complex tagging it would be a naice to have to set a tag condition “AND” for tag – so an image has to have tagA AND tagB to be included in a specific gallery.
WP_Query() allows to select an operator “tag__and”:
is this allready possible and i just didnt found out how or is this something not implemented?
BTW – thanks for your excellent plugin!
Hmm i think that this couldt be a simple checkbox whether to use “or” or “and”.
However – if you are intersted in an userinterface for WP_Query take a closer look at the query posts widget ( )
for my preference – it would be a nice to have, but the greater thing would be an interface for WP_Query(array(‘post_type’ => ‘attachment’, $args)) – for the freedom of choise.
But i also understand that this will make things more complicated.
greets, tom
Hi, just another small issue: the readme.txt of “shiba-media-library” says:
=== Media Library Plus ===
Contributors: shibashake
Donate link:
Tags: media library, image attachment
Requires at least: 2.8
Tested up to: 2.8
Stable tag: 1.0
this was confising a bit, but in “shiba-media-library.php” the correct plugin metadata was found:
Plugin Name: Shiba Media Library
Plugin URI:
Description: This plugin enhances the existing WordPress Media Library; allowing you to easily attach and reattach images as well as link an image to multiple galleries by using tags.
Version: 3.8.2
Author: ShibaShake
Author URI:
Yeah, the readme file is very out of date, so I should probably just remove it from the plugin zip.
Having a problem with galleries using the Titan theme since updating to WP 4.0, can’t seem to add or edit. Getting the following error trying to access any gallery:
Internal Server Error
Using the plugin Shiba Media gallery which came with the theme. Get this error when opening any gallery.
Could you please have a look.
Thx a million.
Are you using the latest version of the plugin (3.8.2) ?
Thanks for this great plugin. Just curious, does this plugin allow to delete files permanently from uploads folder when you click on “Delete Permanently”. Because by default, it doesn’t delete files from disk.
Hi there,
i have your Media Library plugin in use on a developer page (WP 4).
When the plugin is active, i cannot add images into an article from the “add media” button at article-edit page. Iclick on an image in the library, but nothing happens. i cannot click on “insert Image”. Close button works.
when i deactivate the plugin, everything works as expected.
greets, tom
Thanks for the heads-up Tom. I will look into it.
Why your plugin is not in oficial wordpress plugin directory??
Did not have a good past experience.
First of all thanks for the great plugin. We installed it yesterday and everything’s working fine except two things:
1. We are associating each gallery with a category but when we go under the ‘category’, the gallery posts don’t show up. Anyways to show them under the category they are associated with?
2. All the Gallery URLs are showing up . We want to instead display them as – for SEO reasons. We tried to put %gallery% in permalinks and %category%/%gallery% but it’s not working, can you please help?
Sorry for the late reply. Was fighting off a flu.
1. To change what post types get shown, I hook into the ‘parse_query’ filter. This includes *all* queries though, so you would need to condition check properly to determine where you want to show what post types.
Here is an example category page with gallery objects-
This is an older article, but it provides a bit detail and points to the files to look at to find the proper filters-
2. The plugin tries to prevent permalink conflicts. Try doing /gallery/%gallery%
Thanks a lot for the reply and hope you are feeling better now…
We are really stuck on one other thing i.e. the ‘detach’ function is not working for images that are added using ‘tags’. We searched your site and saw the same issue reported by another user and an old response of yours saying that it only works for images that are manually added as the parent-child relationship is missing for one’s added via tags.
But we would like to know is there any workaround for this issue? Like going into the database and deleting the ID of that image or something? Please help…
Yeah, the detach function is actually not very relevant now. There are two ways to attach images –
1. Picking the images that you want using the Upload and Attach Images button.
2. Using tags.
Using method 1, you can add or remove whatever images you want using the regular WP gallery interface.
Using method 2, you can add or remove entire sets of images by adding or removing tags. If you want to remove a particular image from a “tag group” simply remove the given tag from the image. You can do this in bulk from the main Media Library screen, or you can do that singly by editing the image.
For interface simplicity, the tag operand used is OR. For more complex tag expressions, you can hook into the posts_where WP filter.
Hey! I just downloaded v 3.6 and installed on WordPress 3.5.1. I love the way you have everything set up. It’s -much- better than any of the other media library plugins I’ve found.
I’m just wondering—is there any way I can use tags from custom taxonomies I’ve already created? I’m creating a portfolio with three different sections (case studies, videos, and an image gallery) which are to be using the same set of tags. So it doesn’t really work for me to use the Shiba-specific Attachment Tags (which I imagine would otherwise provide me the functionality I need).
If there is any way for me to rig this up, that would be amazing.
The plugin uses the standard WP ‘post_tag’. Possibly you could replace all instances of ‘post_tag’ with your own taxonomy, but I am not sure if that will cause other issues.
I have been testing the media library plugin a bit more.
There’s one bug: if you try to delete a large number of pictures from the media library, your pluging provokes an “URL TOO LONG” error.
The same number of pics, deleted without your plugin get deleted without a problem.
easy to test: set media library to show 100 attachments, select them all, select bulk action “delete” and you got the error.
Second thing (it’s not an error, just annoying, and WP has exactly the same problem):
if I upload a few hundred pictures and select a tag before clicking on “insert into post” the tag is only applied to the last uploaded picture. I have to return to the media library, and select all uploaded pics, apply the tag and then, finally, all my attachments have the tag.
It would be nice to apply all the settings to all the selected attachments in one go. But I guess you just use the core procedure from WP there.
Thanks for the URL too long bug report. I will look into it.
Yes, that is right. In the media manager pop-up, the interface to the right only applies to the current selected image. For example, if you changed the image title, you would not want that to be applied to multiple images. Similarly, it would be inconsistent to apply tag changes to multiple images.
As for categories, there may be other plugins that support it, or feel free to modify the plugin to better suit your purposes.
I tried shiba-media-library, and it does what it promised, it works great.
But it’s completely useless for me. My blogs are based on categories, not tags. My Table of Contents page is category based, people search and find articles based on categories, when they navigate around, they stay in the category of their interest, etc, etc. Tags are only used by flickr and technorati and are in reality completely useless when it comes to helping users find what they are looking for.
What I am looking for is
– a way to see only attachments that belong to one category in the media library
– a way to “bulk” add my existing pictures to a category
– a way to “bulk” add all pictures I upload to a post via Media Library to the same category as my post
I hoped to be able to do all that with shiba-media-library, but now it turns out that I can’t do anything of that at all unless I start using tags.
Nevertheless, I guess I am not the only one who has well structured blogs based on categories. So my question is: is it somehow possible to have your nice shiba-media-library with just one difference: not using tags but categories?