The key feature added in Shiba Widgets 2.0 is the ability to render widgets in posts using shortcodes.
[Full Shiba Widgets description]
Below are a list of standard widgets including their specialized input parameters.
Common input parameters to all widgets include –
- before_title
- after_title
- title
Standard widget classes
List of standard widget classes and their inputs.
- WP_Widget_Pages
sortby (post_title, menu_order, ID), exclude, thumbnail, thumbsize[shiba-widget class="WP_Widget_Pages" title="My Pages" thumbnail="1" thumbsize="54" before_title="<h4>" after_title="</h4>"]
- WP_Widget_Calendar
[shiba-widget class="WP_Widget_Calendar"]
December 2024 M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - WP_Widget_Archives
dropdown, count, type (monthly, monthlyandyearly, weekly, daily, yearly, postbypost, alpha), limit[shiba-widget class="WP_Widget_Archives" title="My Yearly Archives" type="yearly" limit="3"]
My Yearly Archives
- WP_Widget_Meta
[shiba-widget class="WP_Widget_Meta" title="My Meta"]
My Meta
- WP_Widget_Search
[shiba-widget class=”WP_Widget_Search”] - WP_Widget_Categories
dropdown, count, hierarchical[shiba-widget class=”WP_Widget_Categories” title=”My Categories” dropdown=”1″ hierarchical=”1″]
My Categories
- WP_Widget_Recent_Posts
number, show_date, thumbnail, thumbsize[shiba-widget class="WP_Widget_Recent_Posts" title="My Recent Posts" number="5" thumbnail="1"]
My Recent Posts
How to Harness the Power of WordPress Gutenberg Blocks and Combine It with Legacy Free-Form Text
Migrating Your WordPress Website to Amazon EC2 (AWS)
How to Set-Up SFTP on Amazon EC2 (AWS)
How to Prevent Gutenberg Autop from Messing Up Your Code, Shortcodes, and Scripts
How to Create a WordPress Website on Amazon EC2 (AWS)
- How to Harness the Power of WordPress Gutenberg Blocks and Combine It with Legacy Free-Form Text
- Migrating Your WordPress Website to Amazon EC2 (AWS)
- How to Set-Up SFTP on Amazon EC2 (AWS)
- How to Prevent Gutenberg Autop from Messing Up Your Code, Shortcodes, and Scripts
- How to Create a WordPress Website on Amazon EC2 (AWS)
- WP_Widget_Recent_Comments
number, blog_author, show_count, comment_length, thumbnal, thumbsize[shiba-widget class="WP_Widget_Recent_Comments" title="My Recent Comments" number="3" thumbnail="1" thumbsize="54" show_count="1"]
My Recent Comments
How to Create a WordPress Website on Amazon EC2 (AWS) (1)
- Erik- Great article. All worked great except for this step:apt install php-mysqlChanging to this fixed ...
- Erik
Add Custom Taxonomy Tags to Your WordPress Permalinks (125)
- Anthony- Where does this code go? Like, what exact .php file please?
- Anthony
How to Harness the Power of WordPress Gutenberg Blocks and Combine It with Legacy Free-Form Text (1)
- tom- hi,my experience was like the same, but for me as theme developer the "lazy blocks"( ...
- tom
- WP_Widget_RSS
url, items, show_summary, show_author, show_date[shiba-widget class="WP_Widget_RSS" title="My Dog Blog" url="" items="3" show_summary="1" show_date="1"]
My Dog Blog
- Emotional Awareness and Mindful Dog Training October 10, 2021Dogs are very sensitive to our emotions, and respond much better to a calm person than to a fearful or angry one. Mindful dog training uses mindfulness techniques to insert our consciousness into every step of the dog training process. When we are emotionally aware, we can make better decisions, project calm energy, and respond […]
- BARF – Sourcing, Balancing, Preparing a Raw Food Diet for My Shiba Inu October 4, 2021This is a guest post written by Alisa, human companion to a rescue Shiba Inu named Kuma. Copyright © Alisa and Kuma. Disclaimer: Pet nutrition is a complicated topic with many grey zones and contradicting information from experts. Even pet nutrition organizations NRC (National Research Council), AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control), and FEDIAF (European […]
- BARF – Why I Feed My Shiba Inu a Raw Diet September 29, 2021B.A.R.F. stands for Biologically Accurate Raw Food. This article gives an introduction to raw dog diets, why I choose to feed my Shiba Inu a raw diet, how I do raw feeding, and some raw diet faqs.
- Emotional Awareness and Mindful Dog Training October 10, 2021
- WP_Widget_Tag_Cloud
taxonomy (post_tag, category)[shiba-widget class="WP_Widget_Tag_Cloud" ]
custom background custom gravatar custom post type custom taxonomy custom wordpress theme featured-article gallery plugin media library media library plugin media manager media upload nav-page permalink shiba gallery shiba gallery plugin shiba media library theme-design-link w3tc wordpress-101-link wordpress avatar wordpress comment wordpress comments wordpress custom taxonomy wordpress gallery wordpress gallery plugin wordpress gallery shortcode wordpress gravatar wordpress media library wordpress media library plugin wordpress media manager wordpress permalink WordPress Plugin wordpress theme wordpress widget wordpress widgets wp-admin-panel-link wp-programming-link wp-syntax wp avatar wp gallery wp gallery plugin wp gravatar wp media library wp theme wp widget - WP_Nav_Menu_Widget
nav_menu[shiba-widget class="WP_Nav_Menu_Widget" nav_menu=100]
- Akismet_Widget
[shiba-widget class="Akismet_Widget"]
Spam Blocked
- Shiba_Widget_Tag_Cloud
taxonomy (post_tag, category), tag_size, tag_scope (local, all),[shiba-widget class="Shiba_Widget_Tag_Cloud" title="Local Tags" taxonomy="post_tag" tag_scope="local"]
- Shiba_Widget_SocialButton
facebook, twitter, google, pinterest, direction (vertical, horizontal)[shiba-widget class="Shiba_Widget_SocialButton" facebook="1" twitter="1" google="1" pinterest="1" direction="horizontal"]
- Shiba_Widget_Author
avatar_size, length[shiba-widget class="Shiba_Widget_Author" title="About Me" avatar_size="96" length="100"]
- YARPP_Widget
use_template (list, thumbnails, custom)[shiba-widget class="YARPP_Widget" title="My Yarpp" use_template="thumbnails"]
Get All Widget Classes
We can print out all of our current widget classes by using the following PHP code.
global $shiba_widgets; $widget_classes = $shiba_widgets->shortcode->get_widget_classes(); print_r($widget_classes);
I have a problem using your shiba wigdet, after wordpress actualization the fields in my custom widgets are not opening any more, and I’m not able to make any changes. I’m using 1.9.1 version of your plugin. My question is should I upgrade it to 2.0? When Im going to replace to old version with an new one, my custom widgets will still working or I’m going to delete everything?
I am currently using the latest version of the plugin on my own sites, with WP 4.0. I can only support the latest version of the plugin.
All the existing widget sets should still remain in place after an update.