Here is a detailed description of the Shiba Gallery Plugin.
New features for Shiba Gallery 3.7 –
1. Control Thumbnail Size
We can now specify thumbnail sizes for relevant galleries (Tiny Slideshow, Picture Slides, and Noobslide). Thumbnail size is set by using the tsize parameter, for example –
[gallery id="1969" size="(220,220)" tsize="(54,54)"]
The default tsize value is set to auto. This lets the plugin automatically determine a suitable thumbnail size, based on the total width of the gallery.
Below, we have two identical Noobslide galleries, but each with a different thumbnail size.
2. New Galleries
Two new galleries have been added to the plugin.
I added back a new version of Galleria by Aino. Note – Galleria determines and sets thumbnail sizes on its own, so the tsize parameter will be ignored in this case.
We can change our galleria theme by hooking into the galleria_theme filter.
// Add to init function add_filter('galleria_theme', 'set_galleria_theme');

Showing photos using Galleria
I have also added a navigation list gallery. This view is useful for grouping together a list of related posts, and then creating a site navigation page. For example, here is a navigation page on making greeting cards.
Below is a navigation list of 5 recent posts on this blog.
[gallery type="navlist" size="(54,54)" recent="1" numberposts="5"]
Showing Recent Posts using Navigation List - type="navlist" size="(54,54)" recent="1" numberposts="5"
3. Gallery Defaults Value Filter
I have added a filter to the gallery default values. This allows us to assign special default values based on the current post we are on, and other blog variables. For example, Shaun is interested in changing the default gallery type based on post type. The example code below uses the slimbox gallery for posts, galleria for pages, and the default gallery for all other post types.
// Add to init function add_filter('shiba_gallery_defaults', 'change_gallery_defaults'); function change_gallery_defaults($default) { global $post; switch ($post->post_type) { case 'post': $default['type'] = 'slimbox'; break; case 'page': $default['type'] = 'galleria'; break; default: break; } return $default; }
Finally, I also fixed some previous compatibility issues with Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8. All galleries should now work properly on these browsers. The plugin was also tested on Chrome and Firefox.
I would like to create a gallery on a page with the images on the left and the descriptions on the right. Nearest thing I can find is the slider on this page:
Can something like this be done using Shiba?If so, can you let me know how?
Many thanks
It is probably possible to adapt noobslide to create something like this. However, that would require a fair amount of CSS and noobslide experience.
Thank you for the great plugin.
I’m using the noobslide galleria and I want to translate the play/previous/next labels, but I can’t seem to find it in the code. Could you help me?
shiba-noobslide.php, lines 633-638
Hi – me again!
I upgraded to the latest Gallery plugin 3.7x to remedy the “only 10 thumbnails showing” issue, but now I have a different problem.
If I have mixed photos in landscape and portrait orientation, it looks like there is an overlapping problem. For instance a portrait comes after a landscape and you can still see the landscape behind the portrait. Is there a setting… or should only have 1 sized photos? thank you again!
Here is a page which demonstrates the issue. I’m sorry but you will have to forward through the photos to see what I’m talking about. But I think you understand the problem.
Hi, thank you for this great plugin. I am using 3.7 and the “galleria” type.
Is there any way for the large image to popup in a lightbox when clicked? Currently it just opens in a browser window, like the Galleria example you have above in #2
I have tried a few of the WordPress lightbox plugins but they do not seem to work with Shiba/Galleria.
Thanks for any thoughts.
Thank you for this great plugin. I’m making my way through the all the documentation and files but can’t find where to make the change for > 10 thumbnails per gallery.
I’m having issues as well with only 10 thumbnails showing up.
Could you tell me what you changed?
I’m using Tiny and noobgalleria, these galleries have more then 10 images.
Thank you so much in advance! I appreciate all your wonderful work.
Hello Joyce,
It is probably easiest to just re-download the zip and reinstall. It should be fixed in the most recent zip. Let me know if you run into more problems.
The update worked! Thank you, thank you.
Love it and your work. Seriously where is that donate Button?
Sorry for second comment Shiba.
I already have an older version of your plugin installed on a local site install – I am not being prompted to upgrade – do I need to upgrade manually?
I have slimbox as the Gallery type, does the tsize parameter support slimbox.
Agree with Jimmy – you should have a donate button.
Yes. The plugin is not in, so you will need to upgrade it manually.
You can set the slimbox image sizes by just using the regular “size” parameter. “tsize” is only relevant in those cases the have both a larger image and thumbnail images underneath it, for example in tiny and pslides.
Hi Shiba
Good to see that you are updating and adding to an already great plugin.
I’ve just started on a client site where several galleries may be required and each one may need different sized thumbs.
Looks as though your tsize parameter may be just what’s needed.
I may not need to, but can I style each gallery differently?
Thanks for taking the time to develop this plugin.
Yes that should work. If you run into problems, let me know.
Awesome!! Thank YOU
Hi again – I’m using pslides, but have tried a few others and they all seem to only show 10 thumbs and ignores the rest. If it’s not limited by the plugin it must be in my theme. I’ll look there and see what I can find.
Opps, I found the problem. It was my bad – I had set the default numberposts to 10. I have fixed it so just download the zip again and reinstall.
Thanks for reporting this.
Wow – totally cool plugin! You should definitely put up a paypal donation button. This easily competes with several paid options out there.
How to you set a higher limit of thumbs than 10?
Thanks for the great plugin!
Thanks Jimmy-james.
There should be no limit on the number of thumbnails. Are you having issues? Which gallery type are you using?