I really like Spitz type dogs, so I am owned by a Shiba Inu and a Siberian Husky. They are both great friends, but have somewhat different personalities.
Which is better – Shiba or Siberian?
You decide – a cookie is at stake!

1. Pretty Face

Shiba Inus look like foxes and Siberian Huskies look like wolves.
Both breeds of dog are extremely good looking, so it is a matter of taste as to which you like better.
Shibas are a small dog breed, with the males weighing about 18-25 pounds, and females weighing about 15-20 pounds. Sephy weighs about 32 pounds! He is a BIG Shiba!
Siberians are medium sized dogs with the males weighing about 45-60 pounds, and the females weighing about 35-50 pounds. Shania weighs about 43 pounds.
Many people get Shibas because of their small size which makes them more ideal for living in an apartment.
2. Brain Power

If you look at the breed descriptions for Shibas and Siberians, they are both listed as very intelligent and independent.
Siberian Shania is intelligent because she is very good at figuring out how to work her interactive food toys. She is always refining her technique, and very quickly, she identifies the most time efficient way to get the most food out per time.

Shiba Inu Sephy?
Usually he just waits around for Shania to work on all the toys. When she gets the food out, he will come around and pick up most of the stuff that she leaves behind. In this way, he gets to have the food with the least amount of effort.
Another important difference is that Shibas are usually more careful and deliberate. In contrast, Siberians are exuberant, with a more devil-may-care attitude.
Shiba’s size the situation up before proceeding, where Siberians just rush in and then try to figure out what the heck to do now!
Sephy is always very careful about approaching new things, he will sniff his food carefully before eating, and he tries to always “look before he leaps”. Shania and Lara are both more likely to leap first and worry later, if at all. 😀
Who is more intelligent?
I think they both are, but in very different ways. Shiba Sephy is more of a rogue and a scamp. In fact, he has used his brain power to great effect against his daycare custodians and his dog walker. Here is Shiba Inu Sephy’s resume.
Siberian Shania will usually work within the system. If you tell her to stop doing something, she will do so, and look for an alternate activity on her own.

3. Energy

My Siberian has A LOT more energy than my Shiba Inu.
Shania is frequently on the go. Even after a 2 hour hike in the hills, she is still going and going – just like the Energizer Bunny! This is even more amazing because she is a three legged dog.
She is always bugging my Shiba Inu to play with her, while he is usually pooped out and sunning his royal self.
If you live an active lifestyle, or want a good exercise coach – a Siberian Husky is a great walking and running partner.
If you prefer to hang out on the couch, then the Siberian will likely drive you crazy.
Shibas are easier to leash train and they require much less exercise. My Shiba gets a 1 hour walk in the morning, and a brief 20 minute walk in the evening and he is good the rest of the day.
4. Temperament

If you are looking for a friendly and affectionate dog, then Siberians are the way to go.
Shania loves being with people and will often come over and hang out with us. Shiba Sephy likes to have his people around in case he needs anything, but he prefers to be off by himself.
Siberian Shania likes scratch, hug, and pet sessions. She will roll onto her back and sometimes let her tongue just hang out. It is very goofy looking.
Shiba Sephy enjoys the occasional scratch session, but if you do it too frequently, he will just get up and walk away …
He is that cool! 🙂
Shiba Inus are great guard dogs and are always on the alert. On the other hand, Siberians are happy to invite anyone and everyone into the house.

5. Vet Visits
Vet visits are never fun for any dog, but Shiba Sephy takes it to a whole new level.
He is fine in the waiting room, and he is fine hanging out in the examination room while Shania gets examined. However, woe be to you if you try to get near him or touch him in any way while at the vet’s office.
Shiba Sephy has to be anesthetized for any type of vet examination. One time he just sprained his toe while we were hiking, but he would not let anyone come near to examine him, or even just to look at it closely.
Siberian Shania does not really like to be poked and prodded either, but she is willing to endure a vet examination without muss or fuss. She takes her yearly shots like a champ, and gets to come home in short order. Poor Shiba Sephy has to be anesthetized, and stays over for at least half a day.
Shiba or Siberian?
Which do you think is better?
Shiba Sephy is a rogue, but a very sweet rogue. He shares all of his toys and resources with Shania, and often lets her use him as a fuzzy chew toy. He is usually careful while playing with her, and lets her win most of the time.
Siberian Shania is sweet and always ready to give licks. She loves people, loves getting affection, and is always up for play, a hike, a walk, or whatever activity you have planned for the day.
She is independent and enjoys spending time hunting for insects and squirrels in our backyard. She has never destroyed anything when left on her own, because she usually finds positive activities to keep herself occupied.
Shiba Sephy, on the other hand, is usually up to no good 😀

My bf and I are planning to get our 2nd dog (of his choice since I choose our 1st) and at first he was insisting on that we get a husky although I tried explaining that it would be very hard for us to realistically to have such a big dog that also needs lots ans lots of exercise. However, he was very persistent on the husky until he met a few Shibas at the dog park we go to. Now, he’s totally sold on the Shiba. I’m so happy I stumbled upon you blog since you have both breeds he’s so in love with. He’ll definitely get hooked on your blog =D
Thank you very much Kikki. 😀
Big hugs to your current furry one. What breed is he?
Hi, lovely dogs! I have a question. I am planning to get myself this royal rogue Shiba Inu but wonder how much of running he likes. I ride a bike 2-3 times a week doing some 20 km a time. Is it okay for a shiba to take him for a ride like this? Is 20 km not too long distance for him? How fast is too fast for shiba? Will he follow if I ride like 30 km per hour? I’d be grateful for your advice. Thanks!
I don’t take Sephy biking so I don’t have experience in this area. Sephy can run for short periods of time, but he will likely need a lot of rest breaks for longer distances. He also likes to stop and smell everything. 😀
Here is an interesting thread on Shibas and biking on the Shiba Inu forum
Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Thank you for the advice 🙂 And how is it with husky and bike?
Is he better in terms on focusing on the running? And not on the
surroundings? 🙂 I am still wondering if husky won’t be a better choice?
Also I read that huskies are more gentle and loving and like to be petted.
As if they needed more attention? Which breed is easier to train? And which, husky
or shiba in your opionion binds closer with us humans?
I’d be grateful for your opinion!
Thank you once again! 🙂
Hello Pat,
1. Apartment Living
I think a Shiba would be more suited to apartment living. Both my Huskies like being outside, and they spend a fair amount of time in the backyard playing, chasing squirrels, etc. Shiba Sephy prefers to stay in the house. He will go out sometimes, but usually only for short periods of time.
A young Sibe has a lot of energy, and will be more likely to chew up stuff or try to escape.
2. Dog Fur Allergies
Both breeds shed a lot. I think this will become a big problem if you have dog fur allergies.
3. Affection and Loyalty
My Sibes are a lot more affectionate, but my Shiba is a lot more loyal. My Sibes like being with people, and they like getting attention from people. They are friendly to all the people they see, and will happily go home with whomever gives them cookies.
My Shiba is more aloof, and does not enjoy as much affection. However, he is loyal and will only come home with us, even when there may be cookies offered elsewhere.
4. Training
I find my Sibes to be easier to train overall. They are less stubborn, more motivated by food, and love interacting with people. On the other hand, my Sibes also have much stronger prey drive than my Shiba. They will often go rear-brain when they see a running squirrel, cat, or deer. My Shiba is smaller and less reactive to running prey, so it was easier to leash-train him.
Based on all that you have said, I would consider widening your search to other breeds. Most importantly, I would focus on finding a breed that sheds less, so that dog fur allergies will be less of an issue. I am a bit allergic to cat fur. I can pet cats and be with them for fairly long periods of time, however, living with them is very different. One time, I was staying over at a friend’s place (who has cats), and it was very difficult. I woke up in the middle of the night because of allergies, and could not sleep after. I was a mess in the morning.
A smaller dog with medium energy, would probably fit in well to apartment living, and still be able to participate in some outdoor activities.
It is easier to regulate the amount of outdoor activity, than it is to control fur allergy reactions, and every day living constraints.
Anyway, this is only based on my own experiences, so take it for what it is. Hope this helps and good luck in your dog search! 😀
Thank you once again! I guess that I already fell in love wit shiba:) I will keep you informed when I finally get one and surely will be back with more questions 🙂
I have a question. okay, so if i am available to spend time with my dog at least 4 hours or more out of the entire day normally and weekends included. But i would prefer an independent dog who can handle themselves but not too prissy or independent to not greet me as i come inside the door. i dont want a destructive dog either. i dont care if my dog normally doesnt get along with or need other human affection, as long as he doesnt attack my friends and he knows i am boss. so my question is, which do you think will be better, if i want more of an independent dog, i am in an apartment, and i want them to be loyal. Either a Husky, a Shibu, or a different breed all together?
Siberian Huskies are very high energy and need a lot of activity every day. They are also big time diggers, and like being outside. Sibes will not do well in an apartment all day. They are usually very affectionate and both my Sibes love being around people (i.e., not a one-person type of dog). They are also independent minded, which means they are not a yes-sir-no-sir type of breed.
Shiba Inus have medium energy but also need activity every day. Unlike Sibes, they are aloof and do not usually want too much human affection. My Shiba enjoys being indoors most of the time. However, Shibas are very stubborn and even more independent than Sibes. They are definitely not an “obey your every command” type of dog. Shibas are often known as a dog that is more like a cat. Cats are their own boss and so is a Shiba.
Dogs get destructive when they become bored, do not get enough exercise, and/or feel stressed or anxious. Any dog can get destructive if not properly trained, exercised, and fulfilled. Higher energy dogs will need more exercise. Independent minded dogs will be more of a challenge to train and may not always follow all commands.
We have a 1yr old Husky/Shiba Mix. Its almost hilarious to read this and see how much she shows the best and worst of both breeds.
Hi Phil,
Would love to see pictures of your dog. She must be a looker! 🙂
I found your site when looking up information about the Shiba Inu. To my surprise you had a page comparing your Shiba and Husky. Just a few days ago I got the results back from DNA testing my dog and we found out she has Shiba Inu AND the Husky in her DNA. I found this amusing because when we adopted her we were told she was a Shephard/Rottie mix. My Zoey appears to have more the personality and temperament of a Shiba, except when it comes to attention she is more like a Husky. She loves attention and wants to be petted for hours on end. We love her so much and she is an amazing dog, aside from her anxieties while outside. Everything seems to freak her out and she is on constant guard and cannot relax. And heaven forbid she see anything (kids, animals, people), then she goes into a screaming, shaking fit. Not sure if that is a product of what she was exposed to before she was abandoned at the shelter or if that is a common Shiba reaction. Anyway, thank you for all the information. This site was informational, as well as entertaining.
You have beautiful dogs!! Take care!
Thanks Laura.
That is awesome! My Shiba is actually a bit better about that now, simply from being in close proximity to my Siberian. 😀 Still though, he is very aloof by dog standards.
My Sibe is also shy and a bit fearful – especially of loud noises. For example she really does not like the garbage truck. Doing distance desensitization work really helped with that. She still does not like the truck but at least now she doesn’t try to flee with all her might which is quite great. 😀
Big HUGS to Zoey.
Very interesting article, I’m really surprised since my shiba is very different in many aspects. Although he may have been mischievous as a puppy, he has completely changed and has become a very calm dog as he grew up. This change may have been due to an unfortunate leg that included a fractured tibia, hip displasia, and a luxated patella, which made him basically immobile for a good portion of his puppy years, but he is now a very friendly dog. He may be alert, but he never barks at strangers, he loves being petted and is an attention whore from anyone who will give him a minute. He loves going to the vet, and will allow the vet do anything but take his temperature.
But, this just goes to show that every dog has a personality of their own, I love my shiba even though he doesn’t act like a typical mischievous fox :D. thanks for the good read
They are beautiful. I an 8 year old male Shiba and had a Siberia Husky who would have been 8 this month. We got them both as puppies and they grew up to become best friends. Unfortunately my Husky passed away this year from congenital kidney failure. I have never met anyone who also had both breeds. I am shocked to see that not only do our pups look so much alike with similar markings but are also in the same position/action as my dogs in several of our photos. Good Luck with them and may they live a long and healthy life.
Hello Katie,
Yeah that is exactly how Sephy and Shania are like. Shiba Sephy is probably the more needy one. He is always making sure that Shania is ok, and when she stays outside for too long, he will go out into the backyard to fetch her. 😀
That would be great to see! Would love to see some of their pictures when you have the time.
Thank you very much. I am very attached to my Sibe girl, Shania. Whenever I get sad, she would come over, lick my face, and lie next to me. Shiba on the other hand is off somewhere doing his important Shiba business.
What are the names of your dogs? Would love to hear more about them.
We are new to this whole Shiba thing having rescued a puppy mill Shiba in December. We refer to Diego as our PTSD dog. In spite of a very rough first 7 years (!), he is settling in to domestic life very well. He sleeps on the couch or bed, plays with the Brittany in the backyard, avoids the cats and nibbles on the occasional shoe. He makes some very loud and interesting noises but I don’t think we have been treated to the Shiba scream. He occasionally wakes himself out of a sound sleep with his coyote yelp, but he only makes that sound in his sleep. All in all, he is a delightful little guy and develops more confidence every day.
Hi Lorena,
Thanks for sharing Diego’s story with us. He sounds absolutely awesome!
Gotta hate puppy mills. Good for you for adopting a rescue puppy mill dog.
awwwwww! so cute!!!!!!! 🙂 😉
awwwww! i love both of them 🙂 😉