I got an interesting comment from Mark the other day on my Shiba Inu Personality article –
Females are the alpha of this species, not the males. If there are two pregnant females in the pack, they will fight to the death. I think mine really is a cat in dogs clothing. She’s friendly to every animal. She will swim (while I walk) along the breakwater, gladly. …
From talking with my dog-owner friends, it seems that most of them have dog packs that are ruled by an alpha female.
I say mostly because the alpha role is often fluid with dogs and may change depending on environment and activity.
This really made me wonder …
Is it more common to have a male or female in charge most of the time? How is like for your dog pack?
Why is it more common to have an alpha male/female?
I speculate that it is more common to have an alpha female.
Female dogs are more concerned about controlling resources around the house, given their role as mothers.
Alpha males would be more concerned about leading the hunt, but since there is little of that in a domestic dog’s life, the male feels less of a need to assume the alpha position.
What about human packs?
Is it more common in human households to have an alpha male or an alpha female? This is, of course, very rooted in the culture surrounding the human pack; but I really wonder what the statistics are like …
Many people say that they have a 50/50 household but I think it is difficult to achieve such symmetry.
In general, I think there are areas where the male or female really wants control, and other areas where he/she just stays away from. Occasionally though, there will be situations where everyone wants to make the call – these are the cases where it will be most clear who is the alpha.
What do you think?
What is it like with your dog pack? and your human pack?
Lenn says
It come’s down to where and what they are doing at the time, Out of the two Pac’s of working dog’s I run, in work mode the alpha Dog take’s lead position, with the alpha Bitch she is right beside the alpha Dog backing his every move, with two preferably a dog and a bitch younger less experienced dog’s, gaining in experience that requires the alpha’s to preform to there best ability, When at rest/home the alpha bitch take’s up lead position, while the alpha dog stays out of her way, but on call while she is in/on guard of her property for this she gets reworded first, where in work mode the alpha Dog gets reworded first and he takes control of the lead and the protection of the Pac wile he is at work.