Update Feb. 24th – WordPress 3.1 has been released so I am retesting all the Shiba plugins.
You may download latest versions of the plugins by going to my WordPress Plugins page.
Update – WordPress 3.1, RC3 broke a bunch of the updates. I will wait until 3.1 gets released before making further plugin changes.
Update Jan. 5th – I have started working on updating Shiba plugins for WordPress 3.1. A key change I have noticed in 3.1 is greater usage of the WP_List_Table object across the various dashboard menus.
Plugins tested on WordPress 3.1 Release (Single Site) –
- Shiba Gallery Plugin – Added link argument to shortcode, expanded standard WordPress captions, and added back Lytebox.
- Shiba Media Library Plugin – Updated media library menus for WordPress 3.1. Fixed numerous bugs associated with the new gallery query system.
- Shiba Custom Widgets – Added Quick Edit and Bulk Edit capability.
- Shiba Gravatar Plugin – Plugin has also been expanded so that it will now cache default and generated gravatar images.
- Shiba Link Validator – Also fixed notices and updated link checks for Squidoo and HubPages
- Shiba Menubar Plugin – Added style conditions for Suffusion and Atahualpa. Menubar plugin should now work out of the box for those WordPress themes. Fixed some notice errors.
- Shiba Custom Backgrounds Plugin
- Shiba Plugin Credits
- Shiba Example Plugin
- Shiba Theme – Fixed some notice errors.
Plugins that need to be updated for WordPress 3.1 –
- Shiba Thumbnail Plugin – I am retiring this plugin. It will no longer be updated.
I will post 3.1 compatibility updates on this page as I work through my plugins. If you find any WordPress 3.1 errors, please feel free to report them in the comments section below.
Hi, I downloaded your plugin together with the Keres Template from Themeforest. Now I get this message (see below). I cannot place images in posts and my background is gone..Nobody -so far- is able to solve this problem. I hope you can
Fatal error: Call to a member function admin_init() on a non-object in /var/www/vhosts/beerntsietsmafotografie.nl/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/keres/plugins/shiba-media-library/shiba-media-library.php on line 182
This message is from the theme. It looks like the theme is expecting an older version of the plugin.
1. Try just installing the theme on a test site (by itself).
2. Try testing the site on a different theme, or
3. Contact the theme creator for a fix.
how to place this plugin in a Page / Post?
Is this have any Shortcode?
I am not sure which plugin you are referring to. If it is the Shiba Gallery Plugin, it uses the same gallery shortcode as native WordPress. It just adds in some expanded options.
Great Widget solution, i love it!
I found some problems:
Config: WordPress 3.1.1. (Twenty Ten 1.2) + Shiba Widgets 1.4.2 + Widget Logic 0.48
Problem: Shiba’s widget stlye option don’t work when Widget Logic is on. So don’t add the extra css (li) tag
hi shibashake
your custom-background plugin is great! it is exactly what i was looking for. unfortunately i started with wp 3.1.1 and i couldn’t make it work without modifications. the same result when i tried the media-library plugin. so i left the media-library plugin aside and only made the custom-background plugin to work for me. for attach/detach i’m using an other plugin called “add-from-server”. to have more flexibility where to get media from (copy/import/move around the server) i had to modify this plugin too. but now both plugins combined seem to do the job for me.
again, thanks lot for your great plugin! it was an excellent base to fit in the required modifications. main issue in 3.1.1 is that the wp file edit-attachment-rows.php no longer exists.
so if your are interested in the modified custom-background plugin, please let me know. sorry for my chaotic programming style!
greets andreas
Hello Andreas,
The Media Library plugin should work on 3.1.1. Make sure to download the latest zip.
Thanks for working around the Background plugin. I will release an update soon for 3.1.1. Just need to run a few more tests but I have been busy with my silly puppy. 😀