Ok, I’m not talking about the wet dog smell during rainy days or the pungent aroma that occurs when they decide to just let it go.
What I am talking about is their every day musk –
the smell that they naturally exude when strutting around the house, playing in the great outdoors, or on a day out and about town.

Shiba Inu Sephy has a sexy, spicy musk about him. Maybe sexy curry, with special ingredient herbs, that I can’t really identify.
Siberian Husky Shania smells like fresh air and sunshine, on a crisp winter morning.
Contrary to common belief I think dogs smell pretty good.
Their natural musk, I think, has a very calming, feel-good. effect on people. So perhaps there is a future in dog-based perfumes – what do you think?

Shnoodles smell like bacon
OK. I think think I have something here that adds a new dimension… Perhaps a dog smell runs in a family. I have had Shelties in my life for 35 years. Sometimes three at a time (yahoo!!! Best fun!) All had dog smell until this one…Biko. Sweet, cinnamon, ginger, big-time nutmeg, pepper and chili; an all-over clove cigarette smell with extra. Probably not so unusual. He has it all over, not just his ears or butt. The big surprise is that his full brother, Duffy, has the same smell. Comes on strong when they are wet. Big spicy smell with two wet dogs. Fun!
My newly adopted pit bull smells exactly like this! I was trying to put my finger on it and your description is 100% accurate.
My yorkshire is very cute and smell like sour honey, very interesting!!
My yorkie has no smell, no odor or fragrance. He just smells like air without any traces of fragrance or odors. Is this normal for a dog?
I found this blog post by searching “Huskies smell good” because I was wondering if others thought the same. I’m so glad others know about the awesome scent dogs can have haha My husky smells like chocolate chip cookies or popcorn behind his ears and head and other times he smells like fresh forest! When I bathe him he smells like green tea or coconut! If it rains he smells like brand new plush so to me he always smells good (my brother thinks so too so I know I’m not just imagining things haha). I wonder if this is a kinship thing that we notice after bonding with an animal? My pet rabbits also smell nice, like donuts or nutmeg. Whatever it is, it is wonderful, they are our fur angels.
My male dog Popeye smells like flowers…so lovely and sweet….since he is always on my lap this is a plus! My other female dog, Daisy, does NOT smell like a daisy…but, sadly, like a dog…