Ok, I’m not talking about the wet dog smell during rainy days or the pungent aroma that occurs when they decide to just let it go.
What I am talking about is their every day musk –
the smell that they naturally exude when strutting around the house, playing in the great outdoors, or on a day out and about town.

Shiba Inu Sephy has a sexy, spicy musk about him. Maybe sexy curry, with special ingredient herbs, that I can’t really identify.
Siberian Husky Shania smells like fresh air and sunshine, on a crisp winter morning.
Contrary to common belief I think dogs smell pretty good.
Their natural musk, I think, has a very calming, feel-good. effect on people. So perhaps there is a future in dog-based perfumes – what do you think?

My Husky smells like fresh cut grass. Even when he’s wet he just smells amazingly good. I should have called him Clover.
My hound dog just smells like typical dog.
That is really interesting. Both my Huskies also smell like the outdoors. They must be one of the best smelling breeds out there. 😀
my pup is 7 months and smells sweet no one else can smell it they think he smells like dog. I thought maybe it was yeast but I don’t see no yeast infection. He smells like honey.
Hmmm, does he eat and drink normally? How is his energy level?
my adorable Toy Poodle smells like Bacon and sunshine…he has this smokey bacon smell and i love it!
his ears smell like moldy towels…
they are good for us
they are precious angels on earth
Bacon and sunshine sounds wonderful!
So very true. They would look awesome with wings. 😀
I have 3 dogs a shiba, golden, & pit/mastiff mix & they all 3 smell just like hot bacon!! Thats so interesting! My shiba has an allergy problem that we are still trying to work out with our vet & he use to have this horrible horrible smell, my vet said it was from scratching & inflaming the skin. Since we have gotten the alergy under control ive noticed the bacon smell. Im thinking environment, because we just got the new puppy & about a week after living with us hes picked up the same scent! 🙂
I found shibashake while looking for someone to confirm that dogs exude a strong and pleasant odour when petted. My whole family knows this, but it does not seem to be generally recognised. Dogs also give off a strong awful smell when scared. Can anyone tell me about mood related smells? My Dad always said he’d much prefer the smell of puppy’s paw as a perfume than the flowery fragrances sold to women. See http://www.katiepuckriksmells.com/2010/02/viewer-mail-i-want-to-smell-like-my.html where Mike agrees. My border collie comes happily into the vet’s rooms, browses round with her nose in the waiting room and shop, but gets very distressed when I take her to the rooms. I don’t think this is memory related, but smell related. What does your vet think of this?
Hello Dave,
You bring up a really interesting topic. This Wikipedia article on natural dog odors explain some of the sources of what you describe –
And in the section on anal glands –
In terms of the vet, my Siberian does not even want to enter the door to the office. My Shiba Inu will go in, but as soon as he sees the vet, he wants to leave right away. I think it has to do with both visual and scent cues and the association of those cues with negative experiences. I.e., the vet and/or the smell of the vet’s office reminds them of pain.
It is probably similar to when I hear certain songs and they remind me of high school exams, or high school parties.
why dose my dog smell good like coffe ,baby lotion, pineapple. ? its
I understand . My dog smells flowery to me. So sweet. I thought I was the only one who smellt this. My family don’t get it. They can only smell dog. I’m so glad to find other people who feel like me.
Yay! Another curry dog!
I wonder if dogs like the way *we* smell. Maybe they are thinking – ok I get good food, but boy that smell is awful – lol.
Lol. I am soooo happy I find this blog because I thought I was going crazy. I was sitting here, got a whiff of my goldendoodle’s “musk” and thought, “Is it weird I kind of like that smell?” I think he smells a bit like curry and dirt, but good dirt.
Hahaha – what a lovely story zekenessbuddy08! Yeah I love going to sleep next to my Siberian as well. I really love her fresh outdoor smell. She snores tho – very loudly – so I usually wake up after a bit 😀
Brownie sounds like a really awesome dog. You are lucky to have so many dogs in your family. I am hoping to get a few more myself 🙂
I thought I was the only one who loved the way my dog smells. We have four actually. They each have a different smell, a different musk. We all have our own dogs. Joey is my mom’s dog, Penny is my dad’s dog and Zoey is Nicha’s dog and Brownie is my dog. I love the Brownie smells. Every morning when I wake up to take him out I lean to the foot of my bed and bury my face in his fur. It’s amazing. It’s so comforting too. Whenever I lay next to him and bury my face in his fur and cuddle with him, I get really tired and feel like taking a nap.
Yeah – I like my dogs’ natural smell as well. Sometimes I shampoo my Shiba Inu with this green tea dog shampoo – and he smells like green tea afterwards – lol. I do like that smell – it is understated, but good. Haven’t done that in a while tho.