The bald patches were from the vet. They had to anesthetize Sephy for his teeth cleaning, shots, and examination.
Yeah, I think the Shiba breed is probably more pre-disposed towards OCD type behaviors. Shiba Sephy is pretty obsessive about cleaning/licking himself, especially around his butt area.
I think getting a good trainer to help retrain alternate behaviors could be a good way to go. Also try posting on the Shiba nihonken Forum. There are many knowledgeable Shiba owners there.
I notice a spot of fur missing on your shiba’s right leg in a couple of these pictures. I am wondering if that was self inflicted. My shiba has been licking his leg to the point of fur loss off and on for over a year now. The vets don’t know why, they say it’s OCD and recommend prozak but i refuse to do that. My only solution has been to calm him down when he does it which last for a few until he does it again later. It seems like it is an endless cycle. So maybe your shiba didn’t do it to himelf but if he did I am curious to hear his situation! Thanks, Jenn
Heh, you are very observant.
The bald patches were from the vet. They had to anesthetize Sephy for his teeth cleaning, shots, and examination.
Yeah, I think the Shiba breed is probably more pre-disposed towards OCD type behaviors. Shiba Sephy is pretty obsessive about cleaning/licking himself, especially around his butt area.
I think getting a good trainer to help retrain alternate behaviors could be a good way to go. Also try posting on the Shiba nihonken Forum. There are many knowledgeable Shiba owners there.
I notice a spot of fur missing on your shiba’s right leg in a couple of these pictures. I am wondering if that was self inflicted. My shiba has been licking his leg to the point of fur loss off and on for over a year now. The vets don’t know why, they say it’s OCD and recommend prozak but i refuse to do that. My only solution has been to calm him down when he does it which last for a few until he does it again later. It seems like it is an endless cycle. So maybe your shiba didn’t do it to himelf but if he did I am curious to hear his situation! Thanks, Jenn