Siberian Huskies are beautiful dogs. They look like wolves, and have thick, soft coats, that make them infinitely cuddly. They have piercing eyes, and wonderful masks, that give them a roguish and unique look.
Siberians can make very good family pets. If properly trained, they can be very good with people, children, and other dogs. Indeed, Sibes are commonly known for their friendliness toward people.

Although they may look like fierce wolves, they have the heart of Casanova. All my Huskies want to do, is greet everyone and give them licks.
However, many people have trouble with this breed, and many Sibes get surrendered every year.
Consider these Siberian Husky facts, before going out and getting a puppy. The Siberian Husky is a very special and lovable breed, but they may not be the right breed for everyone.

1. Siberian Huskies Shed a Lot!
Be ready to have dog hair all over the house – floors, carpets, clothing, furniture, everywhere.
If we are allergic to dog hair, or like our home to be very clean, then the Siberian Husky is not for us.
When I was looking for a Sibe, I talked to a few breeders in my area. The first thing they all said was, “Siberians shed a lot”. I mentioned that my other dog, a Shiba Inu, also has a double coat, and also sheds a fair amount. However, they all said, “Siberians shed a lot more”.

And they do! A whole lot more.
Therefore, it is very important to train our Husky puppy to enjoy the grooming experience.
- I start with a soft brush, and lightly comb my dog’s body for a short period of time.
- I do this often, and pair it with food rewards.
- Once my puppy is comfortable with the brushing process, I very slowly extend the length of our grooming session.
- Finally, I repeat the process with a more solid brush, such as the Furminator.
Frequent brushing is a good idea to keep our Husky clean, and clear out loose hair. The more hair on the Furminator, the less hair on the floor.
About twice a year, my Sibes blow their coat. During this time, there will be more fur than ever. To keep things under control, I try to brush every day. Remember to always keep brushing sessions fun, rewarding, and not overly long.

2. Siberian Huskies Make Awful Watch Dogs
Because Huskies look like wolves, many people assume that they are fierce dogs. Some people may even think that they are wolf hybrids.
However, a Sibe is more of a lover and less of a fighter.
When confronted with a stranger, my Husky will usually run up to him, give licks, and beg for food. As a result, Sibes do not make very good watch dogs. They will not only welcome everyone into your house, but will also give them the royal lick treatment.
If we want a dog that is only loyal to us and our family, then the Siberian Husky is not for us.
My Huskies are naturally happy and trusting dogs, who like to be with everyone. That is one of the things that I love most about them.

The Siberian Husky is not a watch dog, although those ignorant of his true nature may be frightened by his appearance. If you want a dog with aggressive guard-dog instincts . . . don’t buy a Siberian.
~~[SHCA]Leave your home in the care of a “guard” Siberian and he will most likely welcome an intruder with open arms, fetch (for the first time in his life) your valuables and show him the best route of escape–after all, Siberians are great escape artists.
~~[Siberian Rescue Site]
Note – This does not mean that Huskies will never be aggressive toward people. A dog’s behavior is determined both by genetics (breeding), as well as by training, socialization, context, and past experiences. A dog may become aggressive as a result of improper training, bad social experiences, insufficient socialization, and more.
For reasons of safety, it is important to ensure that our companion dogs are not people aggressive. Most companion dogs today guard us, by sounding an alert when unknown or strange people come close to our house. These dogs are not people aggressive. They do not bark, lunge, or growl at passers-by during walks. They are not aggressive toward guests and unknown visitors, who may need to work in or around our house. Their job is simply to alert us, when unusual events occur close to home. Anything more would quickly become dangerous and risky.
Highly trained guard dogs, such as those employed by law-enforcement, may be trained to attack or restrain an intruder. However, they are always under the control of their handler, are extremely well managed, and will only attack on-command or when they think their handler is in clear danger (as defined during training). They also do not bark or growl at pedestrians.

3. Siberian Huskies Have High Energy
They are intelligent, athletic, and were bred to pull sleds for extremely long distances, in the freezing cold. Therefore, be prepared to provide a Husky with a lot of mental and physical exercise.
A young Husky needs activity almost all day round. At around one-year old, my Sibe puppy sleeps for perhaps 3-4 hours during the day, and about 10 hours during the night. That leaves about 10 hours during the day where she is on the go.
She drains her energy most by playing with my other dog, a Shiba Inu. However, even my Shiba cannot fully keep up with her.

In addition to the playing, she works for all of her food, has long walks in the park several times a week, has structured dog play sessions, dog obedience training sessions, and still has energy left over to explore and dig in our backyard.
If bored, a Husky can become unhappy. He will likely escape, or use our house and belongings as chew toys. Unless our backyard is extremely secure, he can easily jump over or dig under a fence, in order to find adventure elsewhere.
If we are away at work for most of the day, then the Siberian Husky is probably not for us.
Siberians like having company and activity all day long. It is possible that a Husky can keep himself occupied if we have other dogs, but he may also lead our entire pack into mischief!
Sibes do best when there is frequent human supervision, throughout the day.
Siberians are a gregarious lot and need the company of other dogs or of people at all times.
~~[SHCA]The Husky needs lots of exercise and entertainment. They love to run and play, but must be allowed to do so safely.
~~[Hillside SPCA]

4. Siberian Huskies Are Independent Thinkers
They have a very independent mind and spirit, and will only perform, if we make it worth their while.
If we want an obedient dog that only lives to please us, then the Siberian Husky is not for us.
A Sibe is not a “yes sir, no sir“, kind of dog. To live well with him, we need to be fair, but firm. We need to consistently enforce our house rules, or he will take over the house.
The best way to train a Husky, is through the control of resources. Teach him that the best way to get what he wants, is to first do what we want. I use reward obedience training, and follow the Nothing in Life is Free program. Harsher techniques can make a Siberian distrustful, and ruin the natural free spirit of the breed.
Huskies are independent hunters. Their original breeders, the Chukchi of Northeastern Asia, would let their dogs free during the summer months to hunt for food on their own.

This has two very important consequences for living with a Husky today –
- A Siberian is not to be trusted with cats or other small animals. He can be trained to live with cats, but his instinct is to hunt them;
- A Siberian is not to be trusted off-leash. If he sees a small animal, he will likely bolt after it, and forget about cars, commands, and everything else. By the time he comes to his senses, he may be lost and far from home.
I have gotten a few comments about cats lately, so let me be clear …
Sibes can be trained to live with household cats. However, they usually have high prey drive, and will likely want to hunt and chase small animals, including squirrels, mice, and cats. Just because a Siberian gets along with our house cats, does not mean he will treat other neighborhood cats in the same way.
Huskies are bred to run and pull. This makes them more difficult to leash train than many other breeds. To train a Husky to walk on a leash, we need to have an immense amount of patience. Always be firm and consistent with the no-pulling rule, and reward good behavior.
If we do not have a large backyard, bring our Sibe to an enclosed park or soccer field, so that he can have some nice off-leash time to run, run, run.

5. Siberian Huskies Are Not the Easiest Dogs to Potty Train
Certain dogs, like the Shiba Inu, are naturally clean and absolutely do not like soiling their living space. Because of their natural cleanliness, they are extremely easy to house train.
Sibes do not have that natural sense of cleanliness. In fact, they do not mind playing, and running around in their own waste products. Therefore, we must make it worth their while to potty outside.
Supervise our Husky puppy at all times, until he is fully house trained. Reward him well for pottying outside with high priority dog treats, play, and praise. If we are consistent with our puppy potty training, he will learn quickly, and be happy to go outside after a few weeks.
In addition, as Gigi points out, potty training difficulty is very dependent on what the dog or puppy is used to, in his previous environment. Puppy mill and pet store puppies are caged, most of the time. As a result, they will be harder to house train, because they are accustomed to going in their crates.

Where to Get a Siberian Husky Puppy
If we still want a Husky, then visit the Siberian Husky Club of America for a breeder list. Also consider adopting one from a local Husky rescue.
It really makes a BIG difference to get a puppy from an accredited breeder.
Please do not buy a puppy from online puppy sites or pet stores. Most of their puppies come from backyard breeders or puppy mills. Buying from them, will only help support and continue the dog cruelty of these unscrupulous puppy breeders.
If we are concerned about the initial cost of a puppy, consider that backyard breeders and puppy mills frequently produce unhealthy and unbalanced puppies. They will end up costing us a lot more, in terms of vet bills, dog training bills, and property destruction.

Siberian Huskies Are Wonderful Dogs

I love my Sibes. However, just because I think Huskies are wonderful dogs, does not mean that everyone else will think so as well; nor does it mean that they will fit into someone else’s lifestyle.
Clearly, each dog is an individual and will differ in terms of prey drive, energy level, obedience, and more. However, general breed characteristics and information from reputable sources, will give us a better idea of what to expect.
Often, there is conflicting information on the web. Therefore, one good place to start is with the AKC-recognized national breed club – The Siberian Husky Club of America.
Captivating in their beauty, grace and childlike demeanor, Siberians catch the eye of adults and children alike. They can be wonderful dogs for the well-informed or experienced Husky owner. However, they are NOT the breed for everyone and definitely not for first time dog owners. Too many wind up lost, in shelters, killed on the highway, abandoned or abused because the owner didn’t understand the breed and it’s challenging traits.
~~[Hillside SPCA]

i have a siberian husky pup, she is 14 weeks old, bother eyes are very light blue, she is pure breed and absolute wonderful to be around. i have been reading on loads of sites that they are hard to train, everything training wise seems to be so easy to do so far, exept toilet train seems to be slightly difficult although she is getting there. at 14 weeks she can, sit, paw, high 5, roll over, wait, stay and crawl, also walks great on the lead and sits and waits at the side of the road till i tell her to cross. great nature with my kids as i have a 1yr old, 4yr old and a 6yr old.
Congratulations on your new Sibe puppy! She sounds like a very wonderful girl.
I think Sibes do well when they are actively engaged in positive activities. They are full of energy and always ready for action.
Big hugs to your puppy! Take lots of pictures and share some with us. π
I have a siberian husky mixed with german shepard and she is 16 weeks old. her eyes are very cute one is blue and the other is brown. She is so active and playful but she fears small dogs. Yet she likes playing with big dogs. Her name is oreo.
That is awesome! Shania has a blue and a brown as well. It is a very good look. π
Big hugs to Oreo! She sounds like a very happy and beautiful puppy. Please share some pictures of Oreo with us when you have the time.
Hi again, thank you for your reply!
I am also planning on getting his first shots on the 8th week. I would really love to know how many shots is usually administered. How many days or weeks for the following shots? And how about anti-rabies?
I appreciate your reply and really helps me a lot to be prepared when I get him home. I get as much info as I can around and evaluate what’s best.
Thanks again!
Best regards,
And by the way, is deworming also given on the first shot or earlier?
Thank you!
Hello Ray,
In terms of vaccination schedule, I just went with my vet’s recommendation. Here is the vaccination schedule from the AVMA-
Take lots of puppy pictures! π
I am 14 and I really want a Siberian husky any tips I should need to know? π
Yeah, Sibes are pretty awesome dogs. They are affectionate and a whole lot of fun, but they also have an independent spirit and a lot of energy. My Sibes do well when they have consistent rules and a consistent routine. They do well with the NILIF program and reward based training.
They really love going on their long daily walks, and love meeting new people. Lara, who is now over 1 year old is still full of puppy energy so she loves to play, jump around, wrestle with the other dogs, run all over the place, and then jump around some more. She is more than a handful, and requires a lot of attention and time, but it is fun to spend time with her. π
I am a mother of three girls the youngest 4 yrs old. My mother could not care for her husky for personal reasons so I now have him. He is 7 yrs old a male. I have been looking up what i need to do with a husky since i have never had one and have found that she has not done anything even close to what she should have. He is house broken, and i think the reason he chewed alot of her things is because he was bored and she never exercised him. Not to mention he was alone alot. I have a stay at home mom, at his age what can i do, to make him fit into my home and make him happier. I have him for at least six months. Its been 4 yrs years of just him and her. He is friendly however he seems nervous around my youngest. They are the same height. Which makes me nervous. I love animals i have a 6yr old akita. I would like to welcome him totally into my family but there has been a lot of changes. What is the best why to help him with this adjustment.
I am a stay at home mom. so i have time to work with him . but where do i start. sorry for the typo. Its a big change for everyone .
Hello Katrina,
Some things that help my dogs adjust in the beginning-
1. Interaction Rules
When there is a new dog, there is uncertainty about the rules of interaction – how do the people interact with the new dog, how do the existing dogs interact with the new dog, and how does the new dog interact with his new family.
I find it helpful to be clear about interaction rules with everybody. I come up with a set of consistent rules, and teach both people and dogs what those rules are. That way, everybody knows what to do, there is consistency and a clear routine, which reduces stress for everyone.
2. Go Slow
I try not to force anything. My Shiba Inu does not give his trust easily, so it takes him a while to warm up to new dogs. I make sure that the new dog does not pester him (one of the interaction rules), and I let Shiba come to the new dog in his own time.
3. Supervision, Management, and Positive Experiences
I try to set everyone up for success. In the beginning, I find that it is important to supervise a lot because everyone is learning the new rules of interaction. Some people let their dogs “work things out for themselves”. I do not. I believe that it is better that I step in and resolve issues so that they do not need to use aggression to resolve it themselves.
I only expose the new dog to situations that he can handle and where I know everyone will be successful with. In this way, I try to create many positive experiences, which will help to establish trust.
This is more of what I do when introducing a new dog to my existing dogs-
Bigs hugs to your pack!
Hi again, thanks for the response I really appreciate it!
How about showering them? Is it OK for a 6 week to be showered already?
Thanks again!
Hmmm, I am not sure. All my dogs I got at 8 weeks or older.
I don’t bathe my dogs very often. I find that regular brushing is sufficient to keep their coats clean and healthy.
I am about to have one siberian pup which is 6 week old on July 19th. I just want to ask if it is OK for a 6week old siberian pup to have his first bath/shower? My other question is when should a siberian pup have its first vaccine and deworming?
As a first timer I want to get as much info as I could to be able to raise the dog well and to make both of us have a happier days together. Thank you very much for the added helpful infos!
Hello Ray,
Congratulations on your upcoming new puppy!
My vet usually starts with the first shots at 8 weeks old. Some people start earlier, but my vet is pretty strict with the 8 week thing. It is my understanding that vaccinations that are given “too early” are not effective because the maternal antibodies are still present.
Most breeders do not place their puppies until they are at least 8 weeks old. During that time, puppies learn a lot of social skills from their mother and siblings – they learn not to bite too hard, they learn play rules, they learn communication skills, etc. Here is an interesting thread discussing this issue-
Hi there, I have a 3 month old Sib named Jack. I live in a nice trailer park, but I do not have a fenced yard with no trees and I am not allowed to keep Jack inside the home I am renting. If I keep him outside, what will I need to make him comfortable since he is a special breed? A run line, a cage, a pool to keep him cool, a tarp over the cage for shade? Forgive me but I am new to this breed and any advice is greatly appreciated. : ~ )
During walks, my Sibes like to hang out under shady trees. I make sure to keep them well-watered and to keep their water bowls very clean.
They like to be in the open where they can enjoy the breeze. When it is hot and there is no breeze, I make sure to put the fan on. I have several stand fans that I can use anywhere.
Both my Sibes have high prey drive though, so they would chase squirrels and birds while in the backyard. Sibes often escape while chasing after prey, so it is important to make sure that they are well secured, but comfortable.
Here are some things that I do to keep my Sibes cool in the summer-
I’ve been wanting a Husky since I was a kid but my father always tell me that it’s a pain in the pocket. My first dog is a mix of a dalmatian and a street dog which I didn’t mind because I loved him the time I saw him, my step mom gave him to me. He has a black patch-like fur on his left eye and he stands like a macho dog and I named him Zorro. We can only feed him leftover foods, but that is because of our status before. But nonetheless the whole family and relatives loved him.
Back then we are not used to (not sure what words to use) “tie” the dogs on our backyards(currently we have 2 street dogs, we are using dog chains) and we are fine with our dogs going anywhere they want. But then one day he just didn’t came back home and those times the city dog pound is actually catching dogs roaming on the streets, but sadly we never found him.
Now I really want one especially now that I am earning my own money and I just got off from a long distance relationship recently… so I thought I need someone to be there, who might want my responsibilities.. and yes someone that could accompany me and maybe someone who might need a friend and not just to fill in what I recently had.
So, I want to know what age is good for a Husky to be taken in? And I’m planning to have an active lifestyle so if I will take my friend for a walk or jog around, when is the right time to like give my friend a drink? Is it OK to walk him 5km to and another 5km getting home? Also how many times a day should my friend get to be fed? Since I’ll be having my friend his own backyard and house to live in how many days in a week should he be showered/groomed?
I’m really excited!
Thanks again for your helpful post!
It depends on what you are looking for. A puppy will need to be potty trained and obedience trained. A Husky puppy is also very energetic and will need interesting activities to keep him occupied most of the day. Shania was an Energizer Bunny when she was young. She mellowed some at around 3 and then a bit more now that she is almost 5.
That depends a lot on the weather, pace of the walk, the dog, etc. When I take my Sibes out on a walk I make sure our route has many shady spots. They let me know when they want to stop, and I water them then. I make sure to take extra water with me during hot days. Sibes have thick coats and get hot quickly when it is warm outside.
I don’t walk them as far during hot days and have many rest stops.
During puppyhood I feed puppy about 5 times a day. Usually, people recommend feeding a puppy at least 3 times a day. I feed my adult dogs twice a day – mornings and evenings.
Sibes blow their coat once or twice per year. During that time I brush them more often to get rid of the loose fur. In general, I brush them when they need it. I make sure to always check them for grass seeds, ticks, and other bad stuff that stick to their coats.
In general, both of them have very clean coats so I do not bathe them very often. I find that a wipe down is frequently sufficient. If they get skunked, then a bath is necessary.
Good luck! Congratulations on your soon to be new family member!
I have a Siberian Husky puppy named Zoey and a Pomeranian named Harley!
Latley Zoey has been bitting Harley like she would if she is attacking her! what should i do?? and when we first got her she was fine and they would play together but now its like she wants to play but she is getting way to ruff!! How do i get her to stop bitting her??
Some things that help with my dogs-
1. I supervise them very closely during play and have many play breaks so that nobody gets over-excited. During play breaks, they all do obedience commands for me and get rewarded well.
2. I teach all my dogs play rules – e.g. no humping, no bullying etc. If they hump, I no mark and stop them. Then I do a play break. If the same dog humps again, then he goes to timeout.
3. I follow the NILIF program with all of my dogs.
Here are more things that I do to keep the peace at home-