They say that a picture is worth a thousand words,
but just like words, pictures can be very deceiving; even when they are authentic.
For example, in the picture below it may look like I am doing an alpha roll on my Siberian Husky, and she is showing me some serious aggression.

The truth is I was giving her a nice scratch and she was grinning.
She doesn’t usually show such a wide grin so it was truly a Kodak moment. If we zoom out and show the picture in context, it is clear that everyone is being goofy and having a good time.

Below, I flipped the first image and it looks like Husky Shania is about to kill me!
Run away!!

Seeing is not always believing,
and we often misinterpret what we see. This makes it risky to follow dog training techniques seen on television especially physical techniques such as leash jerks, alpha rolls, and finger jabs (otherwise called the ‘no-pain’ magical touch).
I love the video!! Those are some mighty big grins 🙂 Love the title too – very appropriate.
Colden looks like he is having a lot of fun and he is such a good boy! How old is Colden? He looks wonderful and behaved very well – especially for a puppy. Sephy was all over my hands when he was young.
Btw. I have that same rug! Great minds think alike!
Can I put the video up on my blog at some point? It is a great video. Here’s our puppy.
Haha – I definitely would love to see Colden doing that. Please send us a link when you have it up. Thanks!
sorry, it did not work, please delete for me! when my husband comes home i’ll have him put it on vimeo 🙂 thanks!
This post cracked me up because we filmed our 8 month old Shiba named Colden doing the exact same thing!