This is a very big update, so please try things out on a test site first. Feel free to post bug reports here or in the main Shiba Gallery article.
New features for Shiba Gallery 4.3 –
1. Client Responsive Galleries
The biggest addition to this release is client responsive galleries. In release 4.0 we added server responsiveness which makes sure that the server sends the right sized images based on device width. In particular, we do not want to send a large desktop image to a smaller iPhone and vice versa.
In this release we add client responsiveness. This allows galleries to adjust their width according to browser resize events. This means that when we resize our browser window, or rotate our iPhone screen, our galleries will automatically resize based on the current browser width.
More on server and client gallery responsiveness.
[gallery id="1969" type="noobslide_thumb" size="(640,480)" responsive="aspect" link="slimbox"]
Example noobslide gallery with client responsiveness turned on.
Client responsive is set as a gallery shortcode option, and there are three possible values –
- none – Disable client responsiveness for current gallery. Client responsiveness requires additional javascript processing, which can slow down our galleries. In pages where there are many galleries, it is best to disable client responsiveness especially for smaller mobile devices such as the iPhone.
- width – Automatically resize the width of our gallery while its height remains the same.
- aspect – Automatically resize the width of our gallery while maintaining its aspect ratio. I.e., the height changes as well proportionally to the change in width.
[gallery id="1969" type="noobslide_thumb" size="(640,480)" responsive="width" link="slimbox"]
Example tiny2 gallery with client responsiveness set to width.
2. Expanded Link Attribute
Based on user requests, the link attribute has been expanded to include slimbox and lytebox. This means that when a link or image is clicked, we can open slimbox or lytebox and keep our user on the same page. The above two galleries for example, have link set to slimbox.

3. New Gallery Shortcode Attributes
The following gallery shortcode attributes have been added-
- crop – [1 or 0]. Allows gallery images to be cropped on one dimension.
- active – [1 or 0]. Determines whether images within the gallery are link active or not. Clicking on an active gallery image is the same as clicking on the image title link. Our actual destination is set through the link shortcode attribute.
- cpos – [bottom, top, left, right]. Sets the gallery caption position to the bottom, top, left, or right.

4. Create a slimbox gallery based on captioned images
We can now create a slimbox gallery using all the captioned images within a post. All captioned images will be grouped together in its own slimbox gallery. Gallery images and non-captioned images will not be included.
We enable this blog-wide by going into Media >> Shiba Gallery and clicking on the ‘Make post gallery’ checkbox.
For example, clicking on the image below will bring up a lightbox gallery of all the images on this page.

5. New Gallery Settings Page
The Media >> Shiba Gallery settings page has been given a major face-lift.
- Controls are now presented using styled metaboxes.
- More default gallery attributes have been added.
We have also updated galleries to work on the new jquery library included with WordPress 3.6. Plugin tested on WordPress 3.6 and WordPress 3.5.
Hi, i’m wondering if its possible to set the main image area in the tiny2 gallery (with thumbs) to an automatic height based on the image? My gallery has multiple vertical and horizontal images, so when the horizontal ones are up, there is a lot of space above and below that shows up.
Can this be fixed?