Ok, I’m not talking about the wet dog smell during rainy days or the pungent aroma that occurs when they decide to just let it go.
What I am talking about is their every day musk –
the smell that they naturally exude when strutting around the house, playing in the great outdoors, or on a day out and about town.

Shiba Inu Sephy has a sexy, spicy musk about him. Maybe sexy curry, with special ingredient herbs, that I can’t really identify.
Siberian Husky Shania smells like fresh air and sunshine, on a crisp winter morning.
Contrary to common belief I think dogs smell pretty good.
Their natural musk, I think, has a very calming, feel-good. effect on people. So perhaps there is a future in dog-based perfumes – what do you think?

My dogs smell straight up like Totino’s pizza rolls when they’re sleeping.
Finally some other people know what I’m talking about when I say my dog smell’s wonderful. I’ve had three Boxers and they all have had this great smell when they are happy. It comes from their neck just behind their ears. It is like what summer should smell like, if sunshine had a smell. My wife and my dog both think I’m crazy when I start deeply inhaling right behind his ears!
It is the best kind of crazy. 😀
My Toy Poodle smells like bacon, smoke and love. He’s so so cute and I love to smell him when I kiss his temples and forehead. his paws smell like stale potato chips : )
My 7 1/2 month old female Boston Terrier’s natural smell is just like chamomile tea 🙂
Relaxing goodness! 😀
My dog smells kind of like nutmeg. Sort of the cookie scent people have described–like a general sweetness, but definitely nutmeg undertone.
My lovely mutt doesn’t smell of anything much during the day, but when he’s asleep he smells exactly like stale plain cookies or digestive biscuits. Sometimes he also smells a little like vinegar and salt when he’s sleepy, like fish and chips! everyone in the household has noticed and we all love it, because he sleeps most of the evening curled up with us and we get the glorious dusty, cookie smell all around us 🙂
He sounds absolutely wonderful! You need to bottle up some of that scent. Maybe knit whatever fur he sheds into a sweater. 😀
My 2 year old pyr/aussie gives off this warm comforty aroma when she’s getting her belly rubbed. I can’t smell it any other time, and can’t really describe it, but it’s almost like warm baking cookies.
or it could just be a fart. :\
“Warm baking cookies” sound heavenly. Big hugs to your wonderful, lucky girl. 😀
I have a 17 yr old border collie and between her eyes and on top of her head she smells just like clovers and flowers and I was wondering why?
My dogs cheeks smell like flowers much of the time! No idea why!
i know this kid that has this dog that smells like viniger!? a bit wierd lol,my dog smells like chocolate but she never gets any and are house smells normal,i dont know!or am i just going mad!
I think my Shiba smells like spicy curry, so I must be going mad too! But a fun kindda mad. 😀
Our dachshund smells like chocolate as well. Don’t know why.
My pomeranian dogs ears smell like pizza… And I didn’t give her any…. Mmmmm… But I won’t eat her… Hahaha… She’s my bestie ….
Haha, that is a good smell to have. I would probably get hungry more tho, and eat a lot more pizza! 😀