Common Reasons for Dog Itchy Skin and Dog Scratching
The common causes of dog itching, dog scratching and hair loss include hot spots, food allergies, skin allergies, and skin parasites. We describe what causes a dog to itch and scratch, as well as how to provide relief.
Dog Anxiety Problems - How to Deal with an Anxious Dog
Dogs may get anxious when left alone, confined, during thunderstorms, fireworks displays, and more. We consider common dog anxiety problems and how to best deal with an anxious dog.
How to Calm a Fearful or Reactive Dog with Desensitization
One of the best ways to calm a reactive or fearful dog is through the desensitization process. Here we discuss various forms of dog desensitization, and why it is safer and more effective than flooding.
Separation Anxiety - Why It Happens and How to Help Your Dog
Dog separation anxiety usually occurs when our routine changes, thereby disrupting the amount of time we are able to spend with our dogs. A dog with separation anxiety may chew up household items, and urinate or defecate in the house, because of extreme stress. We consider dog separation anxiety, how to relieve our dogs stress, and stop his destructive behaviors.
How to Clean a Dog's Teeth
Keeping our dogs teeth clean is important, and can significantly enhance his quality of life. Here, we discuss how to keep our dogs teeth clean, and how to brush our dogs teeth from home with no muss and no fuss.
Dog Bathing - How to Bathe a Dog with a Fun Game
How often should we bathe a dog? Why does our dog not like baths? How do we bathe a dog without all the associated stress and unhappiness? We consider all of these dog bathing questions here and more.
How to Exercise Your Dog
Dogs need both physical and mental exercise every day. When dogs do not get enough exercise, they will escape, or become stressed and frustrated. Here we present some fun ways to exercise our dog. A busy dog and well exercised dog, is a good dog.
Dog Foot Care
Dog foot care is very important, especially for a young and active dog. We consider how to properly care for our dogs foot so that he can walk, play, hike, and continue doing all of the fun things that he loves to do.
Dogs and Humans - Treating a Dog Like a Human
Dogs are amazing companions. That is why we are tempted to treat a dog like a human. However, humanizing a dog can often bring disastrous results. Similarly, when humans pretend to be dogs, the results are just as bad.
Are You Afraid of Your Dog?
I used to be very afraid of my dog - a Shiba Inu. I got him at about 10 weeks old and Shiba Sephy started mouthing us and everyone else as soon as we met him. Our vet recommended that we return the Shiba puppy. This story is about why I was afraid of my own dog, how I overcame that fear, and my relationship with Sephy today.
Dog Medication - Good or Bad for Dog Behavioral Problems?
Dog medication is increasingly being used to reduce behavioral issues such as hyperactivity, separation anxiety, and aggression. Is dog Prozac, Anafranil, and various sedatives appropriate for our dogs? Is dog medication effective for dealing with problem dog behaviors? Will it cause more harm than good? Here, we consider the pros and cons of dog medication.
Cool Dog - Keep Your Dog Cool in the Summer
Dogs have more trouble staying cool than we do. Because of their fur coats, they mostly dissipate heat through paws, underbelly, and by panting. Here are some tips on how to keep your dog cool during the hot summer months.
Dog Scratch Zones
All my dogs love being scratched, especially in areas where they cannot get to themselves. Here we consider where dogs like being scratched, and which scratch techniques work best. Come join the discussion and let us know which are your dogs favorite scratch zones!
A Dog's Fart
An examination into a dogs fart. Why are dog farts usually silent? Do you like your dog farts? What determines the smell of a dogs farts? We consider all of these critical questions that are an important part of a dogs odor profile.
Debarking - Should It Be Legal?
Surgical debarking removes tissue from the vocal cords of dogs so that we mute the volume of their barks. Proponents of surgical debarking say that it is sometimes necessary especially in cases where a dog is in danger of being surrendered or euthanized. What do you think? Should dog surgical debarking be illegal?
What Is Dog Cruelty?
Dog cruelty is often defined as inflicting unnecessary pain and suffering on our dog. Most dog cruelty laws, only deal with cases of extreme physical violence and neglect. However, the question of cruelty becomes a lot more controversial, when pain is applied in the context of dog training or dog behavior modification. We consider dog cruelty, and whether certain training techniques fall under its umbrella.
A Dog’s Guide to a Happy Life
All other things being equal, I think that dogs are happier than people. One key reason is because dogs live in the moment and do not hold grudges. Dogs also do not let emotions like embarrassment or envy get in the way of being happy and living life. Here are the 5 most important things I learned from my dogs on how to live a happy life.