Have you ever noticed that most of the time, a dog’s fart is silent?
Often, we will be sitting around watching t.v. or working on the computer, when we catch the waft of a full bodied bouquet.
At first, it is unclear where this distinctive smell originates from, but quickly we trace it back to one of the furry things lying next to us on the carpet.

Dogs seem to naturally produce silent farts. I suppose if you are hunting you wouldn’t want a fart noise to startle your prey.
The noisy ones probably won’t get invited back to pack hunts! π

While experiencing my dog’s wonderful aromatic masterpiece, I notice that I can usually differentiate those produced by my dogs and those produced by people. I suppose it depends somewhat on diet, and since dogs have a different diet than people, their farts also carry a different fragrance.
Surprisingly, most people do not appreciate my dogs’ fragrant productions. They must be crazy! π
My dogs seem to enjoy their own aroma. When they fart, they will sometimes turn around to get a better whiff.

I think my dogs’ farts smell like roses. Well maybe not exactly like roses, but it smells a bit like them. It is good to see them (the dogs not the roses) relaxed and farting. Although, I must admit, it would also be interesting to see relaxed and farting roses.
My friends think I am a bit soft in the head because I stay around to experience the sensory odor profiles created by my dogs.
I suppose you know you really love someone, when you also love their farts!

If dogs ever functioned the same way humans. (Walk, talk.) and if it had the mental capacity of a human.
One day it decided to prank you with his fluffy butt.
How would you react?
Hehe the story is great. Just a couple of questions.
does your dog fart loud and proud or SBD.
Do you have a favourite fart smell?
I have a dog, His name is Keaton. Keaton is been there for me, he’s always the best in our family… Full of joy, hyper and full of energy. However he a bit of a menace, he likes to fart, and I’m not talking about silent, but smelly, and audible. He sleeps in my bed because he gets a bit lonely, the thing with that, he ends up with his bum in my face :p. and sometimes he let out a fart, right against my face. Keaton is a Siberian husky. He a small pup. However I do not want to wake him. I cant really complain to the smell as he is only doing what’s right. I don’t yell at him as it would only upset him. Should I continue letting my dog fart on my face?
Would you let your dog sit on you and fart?
My dog Stan sleeps in the bed with me because he won’t use a dog basket ( the cats basket now )
I sleep nude as wearing any form of clothes in bed keeps me awake and irritates me.
So I sleep nude in bed with my dog
He farts a lot and when he does it I get the bed covers over my head and sniff.
Dog farts are lovely too me
You made me smile, It may be weird that i wished i smell a dogs fart XD.
I kinda have alot of questions, but i don’t want to bug you by spamming the comments.
I wished i had a dog, i go here so i can knowledge dog training, my ex-Girlfriend has a dog, (his farts do stink) but i wanted to let her know about training techniques and all that…
Would you let your dogs fart on your face, or would you tell it off?
weird question i know… If you want to read about it, you can email me back. I hope you replay me back. π
lol! Actually when I groom my dog on the tail and back areas, she sometimes lets go some. That is pretty close to the face. π
Anyway, it is not a controlled behavior, so any kind of scolding or punishment would be unfair and counter-productive. My dog is putting a lot of trust in me, to let me handle her all over the body during grooming. I always make the experience as positive as possible and reward her well for it.
How do you know a dog is about to fart so that u can run lol
I have 3 pups. 2 Chihuahua s and one Yorkie. They are all considered my children that never grow too old to need.me. I love them so that I enjoy their flatulence. Well the Chihuahuas do not fart very often but my Yorkie does!!! Every time we are resting he leaves several then he scootches his butt a little and few mins later does a repeat. And I actually enjoy the odor. Once in a while he will leave a whopper and that will.make him run away as if it propels him. Lol. It’s very odd I just realized how pleasant those farts smell to me.
LOL! Yup, that definitely sounds familiar. Aren’t dogs just awesome? They do the most funny and endearing things. π
That was hilarious! My first dog (he’s passed away now) almost never farted, and I know because it made a little ‘puff’ sound and every time he farted he ran like the wind and then he looked at his butt like “WTF was THAT?”
But the dog I have now often farts with fart noises but sometimes the farts are silent (but deadly…) she doesn’t seem to mind the smell at all.
Yeah my dogs mostly have the silent farts. They usually fart most while they are sleeping or having tummy rubs. They don’t mind the smell of it at all, and will often smell each others’ gas productions. Dogs really are a lot of fun! π