Have you ever noticed that most of the time, a dog’s fart is silent?
Often, we will be sitting around watching t.v. or working on the computer, when we catch the waft of a full bodied bouquet.
At first, it is unclear where this distinctive smell originates from, but quickly we trace it back to one of the furry things lying next to us on the carpet.

Dogs seem to naturally produce silent farts. I suppose if you are hunting you wouldn’t want a fart noise to startle your prey.
The noisy ones probably won’t get invited back to pack hunts! š

While experiencing my dog’s wonderful aromatic masterpiece, I notice that I can usually differentiate those produced by my dogs and those produced by people. I suppose it depends somewhat on diet, and since dogs have a different diet than people, their farts also carry a different fragrance.
Surprisingly, most people do not appreciate my dogs’ fragrant productions. They must be crazy! š
My dogs seem to enjoy their own aroma. When they fart, they will sometimes turn around to get a better whiff.

I think my dogs’ farts smell like roses. Well maybe not exactly like roses, but it smells a bit like them. It is good to see them (the dogs not the roses) relaxed and farting. Although, I must admit, it would also be interesting to see relaxed and farting roses.
My friends think I am a bit soft in the head because I stay around to experience the sensory odor profiles created by my dogs.
I suppose you know you really love someone, when you also love their farts!

eddie farts all the time lol it actually doesnt bother me in the least bit. but the hubby and eddie have actual fart contest lol(men) he will say oh yea eddie get a load of this and then he will let loose and eddie another weirdo will get on the bed lift up the blankets and smell the hubbys butt lol. i think we are just a big happy strange family lol.
LOL! You are too funny! Thanks for this story – it is such a great way to start the weekend. š
I bet this would make a nice youTube video. LOL!
that would be great i would love to catch him howling to that song werewolfs of london lol
When Lupin was just a few months old he scared himself with his own fart. I took him outside to used the bathroom, and when he tried to go number two he farted so loud he jumped and looked around in shock.
I learned the hard way not to even let him lick a bowl that had beefaroni in it. No one wanted to be in the house the next day.
LOL! Poor Lupin.
Puppy Lara farts a lot especially when she is sleeping. I kindda like dog farts – its a sign that the dogs are relaxed and contented. š
Hah! I don’t think I’ve ever heard or smelled a fart from Darcy! I think she’s too snooty a Shiba to ever give in to the temptation of letting one loose! Now, Cooper on the other hand, her chocolate lab bro, you can hear and smell his from the other room! We actually go outside to wait until the air clears when he let’s one loose!!!
LOL – It is good to have one of each. Variety is the spice of life! š
LOL! Thank you all for sharing all your funny dog stories.
It is very interesting that there are so many variations in how our dogs act and react to even something as simple as this. š
That is why I love observing dogs – they are interesting in everything that they do.
LOL great entry! Funny thing is, whenever I fart around my dog Mac, he clears the room immediately…
I had to laugh at NICOLE – My Jindo who just passed away š He was like a large Korean Shiba – never had stinky ones, but you could always hear them…soooo funny when he’d be sitting on a hard surface and it would reverbrate…and he’d look at you like “what?”
Every other dog I’ve owned was silent but deadly…I have a 8 week old Shiba pup now, we’ll see – haven’t heard or smelled anything yet š
oops, I **can** count on 1 hand…
I suppose i’ve been pretty luck. I cant count on 1 hand the number of times (well at least that i’ve smelled/heard) that Reptar has farted. And he’s almost a year old.
Kudos for you to sticking around! I book it out of the room! and of course get the look from Shiba like i’m crazy for not wanting to stay and enjoy it with him.
My shiba’s farts are always audible. She must be an oddity of the shiba world!
Oh my.. you had me laughing so hard I was literally crying on this one! Can’t say I appreciate Zuko’s “aroma” as much as you appreciate those produced by your dogs… in fact, Zuko’s will melt the paint on the walls, wake me from a dead sleep and generally cause havoc.
LOL! Yeah – everybody usually runs from the room so I get to savor the moment with just Sephy and Shania.
The really cool thing is that both Sephy and Shania love people farts. They will actually come over and smell all around me! Gotta love dogs.